Small Talk

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     Echo checked behind him for the fifth time. Each time he was greeted with the same large brown eyes looking back at him along with a soft smile. Omega had a tendency to wander off, but not on his watch. He made sure to constantly keep an eye on her, but now that they reached their destination he began to feel more relieved.

Omega gazed in awe as they entered the shop. She was surrounded by plates of shiny armor. Since Bracca, Echo and Hunter had talked about finding her armor for safety in their line of work. Omega jumped at the idea, but time wasn't exactly on their side. Today was one of the rare days that Cid didn't have a single job for them, meaning it was the day Echo had promised to take her out to go armor browsing.

"This is so cool!" Omega immediately left her brother's side to have a look around.

"Don't go too far, 'Mega. And don't touch anything that looks sharp," Echo called after her. Perhaps he shouldn't have taken her to a shop that sold weapons, having them out of full display where anyone could pick them up.

"Had to tell my young one that too," a higher pitched voice commented. Echo turned around to find a female Twi'lek leaning against the wall next to the counter. "Kid's always manage to do the opposite of whatever you tell them, hm?"

The cyborg took his helmet off, holding it under his arm before agreeing. "Tell me about it. I swear, she tends to find trouble everywhere she goes," he chuckled.

"Is that the reason you're getting her armor?" The woman raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Well, er...I-It's complicated," the reg tried to explain without going into any detail about bounty hunters and running from the Empire.

"Relax, I was only kidding." The Twi'lek smirked. "Honestly wouldn't be a bad idea. My husband is notorious 'round these parts. I'm here to pick up new armor for him actually."

"What happened to his old one?" Echo leaned against the counter as well.

"Oh, he got involved in a shoot out. Some idiot dropped an explosive from an exchange; completely destroyed everything within a mile of it. Luckily, my husband was protected enough to survive, but not his armor."

"Sorry about your husband. I hope he's doing well," Echo said with regards. The situation reminded him too much of the ion engine mishap...and Crosshair's injuries.

"Thank you, he's almost fully recovered. Maybe next time he'll be more careful." She stopped briefly to talk to the worker that handed her a large metal box to which Echo assumed to be the armor she was picking up before turning back to him. "Raising a family on this planet is harder than you think. Wouldn't you agree?"

"You've got that right." Echo sighed. "Compared to my brothers, I feel like I'm the only one with common sense when it comes to her safety. Can you believe that one of them let her think that she was disarming an active bomb?"

"Oh my." The woman gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. "Are you serious?"

Echo shook his head. "I wish I wasn't. Not only that, but the ship we live on has one of the most repulsing smells in the galaxy. I'm surprised that Omega had gotten used to it after a day."

"Is that your daughter's name?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's her name," he heard himself answer without thinking.

"Never heard that one before. I like it a lot."

Echo opened his mouth to say something else when a small blur of blonde appeared next to him, handing him a heavy object.

"This was the only thing I could find that looked like it would fit me," Omega said to him. That's when she noticed the woman he was talking to. "Hi! I'm Omega," she said with a smile.

"Hello, Omega. It's nice to meet you. My name's Zora." The blue Twi'lek crouched down to the girl's level. "I've heard a few stories about you from..."

"Echo," the male clone finished, realizing they hadn't even known each other's names until then.

"I guess your whole family has awesome names, huh?"

"Your name is pretty too, just like you! Don't you think so, Echo?" Omega asked innocently, not knowing the difference between him saying whether a girl was pretty was different from her. Especially one that was married.

Luckily for him, Zora understood, a smirk on her face. "Thank you, Omega. It was a real pleasure to meet such a lovely girl." She picked up her package. "It was nice talking to you, Echo. Oh, and as mother speaking, you're doing a great job raising her." She smiled before leaving the store.

Echo could feel his heart warm. He was always worried about him and his brother's capability of bringing up Omega, not having anyone to have learned from. Zora didn't know it, but her words had truly made him feel that he had made a few right decisions in his life. He never saw himself raising a kid, but he wouldn't trade it for anything in the galaxy.

Mother Echo 🦆 

It's March! I'm ready for some Bad Batch news, an official release date, a trailer... Just GIVE me SOME STAR WARS 😩 Happy Tuesday!!

The Bad Batch: OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin