No Negotiations

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*For context, this takes place during S1 Ep13*

     Wrecker carefully connected the wire to the last crate of spice. "All set!" he bellowed, hoisting himself on top of the crate watching as Cid mirrored his action. The trip from the ground to the Marauder took less than a minute, but for the brute, those seconds felt like a lifetime. Wrecker let out a sigh of relief once the cable locked and he was able to step onto the solid floor of the Havoc. He couldn't wait to finally leave the hive.

"You good, Wreck?" Hunter checked before reaching for the spice container.

Brushing off the comment, he confidently replied, "Wasn't too bad."

"I told you that from the start," Cid hollered from her suspended position. "Hurry up! Hanging here isn't gonna help Tiny!"

Wrecker ignored the Trandoshan as he helped Hunter load the crate. With the mission over, they could return to the parlor and retrieve Omega. Her life on the line was motivation enough for him to face his number one fear. Once she was safe with them again it would make it all worth it.

"Muscles!" Cid's shout of desperation cracked through the air. Wrecker leaned over the edge of the ship looking to see the problem.

It didn't take him long to notice the cord holding Cid's crate began to uncoil, growing frailer by the second.

"That's not good," he mumbled. He pulled himself back over the edge, frantically messing with the wire's retracting system. "Can this thing go any faster!?" he shouted with frustration. Seeing as the speed wasn't going to get any better, he went to check on Cid again. The metal coil was now hanging by a thread.

"Cid, the wire's not gonna hold up much longer!"

"Then what are you waiting for!? Pull me up!!" Cid demanded, already standing on the box; so close to the hovering Marauder.

"On the count of three, jump!" he called, extending a hand down to her.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to—"

"Just do it, Cid!"

Cid, taken aback by Wrecker's sharp tone, nodded. On his count, she jumped as high as she could. The second her foot left the spice container, the cable snapped.

"The spice!" the Trandoshan cried watching the stolen package fall until it disappeared into the darkness of the hive.

Wrecker, holding onto the lizard, grunted as he pulled the bar owner onto the ship.

"What happened?" Hunter came running into the hold. "I leave for five minutes—"

"Can it, Bandana! We have a new problem." Cid brushed herself off as she stood up.

Hunter's face went stern. "What kind of problem?"

"A, we're kinda down a crate, problem."

"It fell," Wrecker added less than important information.

"You lost it?" Hunter's voice fell between a mix of anger and disbelief. "What are we going to do about the Pykes!?" he shouted, eyes narrowing in on the two. The sergeant began to pace around the ship, trying to sort out his thoughts. From their first encounter, it was obvious the Pykes knew what they wanted and they seemed to always get matter the cost.

The shouting drew Echo from the cockpit. He had heard enough of the new situation.

"Cid," Echo began, "Do you think that they'll let her go?" his voice laced with worry.

Cid bit the inside of her lip. She put the kid in an impossible situation that now wasn't looking too good. It would be all her fault if anything happened to the girl. "I'm not sure," she admitted, not knowing what else to say because she truly feared the possibility.

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