Life and Death P1

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        A bit of a longer one, but some of my random ideas for more plot come to me at 2 in the morning.

Thank you @MynameisAppleUWU for the idea, as well as the last one!💙🧡🤍

     Hunter frustratingly pulled at his hair. Ever since Bracca, he had been trying to track down the bounty hunter that took Omega. Cid knew all about him, but had no leads to where he was, leading them to a dead end.

"Hunter, we'll find her." Echo touched his shoulder, unaware how tense he was. Hunter should be resting after nearly dying, but they knew he wouldn't until Omega was back, safe on the ship.

"We have to," Hunter sighed. " Pull up some more charts, they can't have gotten too far."

Echo shook his head, walking away to join Wrecker in the back.

     The Justifier came out of hyperspace, heading towards a watery planet.

"We're pulling up. I want this to be quick," Bane snarled, bringing his feet off the dashboard and spitting out his toothpick.

"We are awaiting your arrival with the credits," one of the Kaminoans said patiently.

"The premium?" Bane pointed his finger at the hologram.

"As you requested," the long neck answered back.

"Good. Pleasure doing business with you." He ended the call and continued on course to the landing platform.

Omega felt the Justifier jerk to a stop. Immediately she began to worry about what was going to happen to her, but didn't have much time to think as her captor approached the cell.

"Come on, kid. It's time to go." Bane deactivated the ray shield and slapped a pair of cuffs on the girl, despite her protests, dragging her off his ship.

"No! I'm not going with you!" she yelled, kicking the back of his legs in an attempt to get free.

"Quit it!" Bane pulled her roughly, causing her to stumble.

"Let me go! I...Kamino?" Omega's eyes widened upon seeing where she was for the first time. Why would he be taking her back? Her gaze then wandered to one of Kaminoans standing on the platform with a silver briefcase greeting them.

"Taun We?" she asked aloud as Bane gave her a nasty look before shoving her to the creature.

"My credits." Bane extended a hand out, taking the case and opening it to make sure everything was in place. After giving an approving look, he nodded, not giving them a second glance before disappearing back onto the ship.

Once he left, Omega felt a cold hand grip her wrist.

"Come along, Omega. You are needed in the lab," Taun We said softly, but her voice had a hint of eeriness to it.

"What's going to happen to me," Omega demanded, planting her feet firmly.

"That is none of your concern."

"Yes, it is," the young clone spat. "I am not going with you until you tell me what you're going to do to me!"

Taun We sighed, reaching for a small syringe on her belt.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but if you are going to misbehave then I'm afraid this is the only option." Her grip intensified, as she plunged the needle into the girl's neck.

Omega yelped at the sharp pain, trying to make it stop, but with no anvil.

"I am sorry, Omega. This will all be over soon."

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