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⚠️ 3.11 Spoilers ⚠️

     Crosshair couldn't tear his gaze away from the splash the tracker made at it slapped the water's surface, sinking into the unknown depths below. It was silent but yet so loud.

He missed.

The sniper tore his helmet from his head, the inside suddenly feeling hotter than the air on Mustafar. He tossed the bucket aside with a shaking hand before dropping to his knees due to the nausea of his churning stomach.

"Crosshair!" Hunter's voice sparked through the comm channel. "What's going on up there?"

He couldn't bring himself to answer his brother. What would he say? He wasn't strong or able enough to shoot a simple tracking device on the ship that just stole Omega away from them? He was a sniper. A good one at that...or used to be. Now it all dwindled down to his failure to perform a skill he'd done thousands of times as a cadet.

"Crosshair? Are you and Omega okay?"


He wanted to answer. He was not okay. He was far from okay.

Omega was far from okay.

All that work done to escape the terrors of Tantiss was for nothing. Crosshair sank even lower to the ground as the weight of guilt pulled him down, like an anchor plunging into deep waters without a source to pull it back up.

The light in his life...blown out by the breath of evil.


Hunter toppled over him, scanning the man for any signs of injuries. The sergeant breathed out a sigh of relief when he found no fatal wounds, however, a cold fear sent a chill over his body as he tried to piece together what caused the sniper's abnormal reaction.

"I'm sorry," the marksman choked out, grasping at his brother's arm supporting him. "I-I couldn't tag the ship. It was part of the plan, but I— She's gone, Hunter. I'm sorry." Crosshair waited for the sergeant's tongue lashings, ready to be told he was to blame, that bringing him back to their family was a mistake,that they should have left him on that moon to rot for all the wrong he'd done, that he deserved every second of the pain he—

"Crosshair," Hunter gripped his shoulder tightly, "It's...not your fault."

"What?" The sniper's head snapped up, bewildered eyes searching for the misinterpreted response of his brother. "How can you say that!? She's gone because of me!"

Hunter's expression hardened as a murky storm passed through his eyes. "I know what you're feeling. I was in the same position as you the first time we lost her to the Empire."

Crosshair fixated on the sergeant who seemed to have been tossed back in time. "I...I don't know what to say," he admitted, hating how weak he sounded.

Hunter unclasped his shoulder.

"We are going to find her, and it's not going to take us months like last time. I'm not leaving her fate up to Hemlock." Hunter's voice reverted back to his commanding tone yet a sense of darkness seeped into it, clinging to the negative endings.

Crosshair nodded firmly, the fire within him blazing like fuel added to the inferno at the mention of the inhuman doctor; the one responsible for all of their pain.

"Couldn't agree more."

So umm how y'all doin🥲
Quick short update because i'm beside myself

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