Every Now and Then

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Omega gripped onto Echo's hand as they made their way through the city of Ord Mantell. It was a simple supply run, but it was Omega's favorite activity on less action packed days. There was always something new to explore within the bustling town. Seedy, yes, but with her brothers, Omega never had to worry.

"That's the last of it." Hunter tucked a case of rations into his backpack. "We should start heading back." He glanced up at the sky that was beginning to darken over the already dim dirty streets.

Echo nodded, readjusting the bag that was slung over his shoulder. "The ship needs some repairs before the next mission. I'm sure Tech will be thrilled."

"Hm, that is if he hasn't already started working on them." Hunter chuckled, guiding Omega through the crowd.

Echo shrugged. "I think he and Wrecker went out to retrieve Mantell Mix."

Omega's eyes lit up. "Mantell Mix?" How dare Wrecker go without her.

"Don't worry, kid. I'm sure he'll bring you back a box." Hunter ruffled her messy blonde hair as Omega giggled, slapping at his hands.

"He better!" Omega said with over an exaggerated angry expression. "But I'll call him to be sure." Her stomach had started to grumble at the sudden talk of Mantell Mix.

Omega quickly activated her comm, her transmission going through almost immediately.

"Wrecker? Tech? Are you there?" she asked eagerly.

"Oh uh, hey kid!" Wrecker's voice came through in gasps. "How's the supply run?"

"We're on the way back. Hunter said you went to get Mantell Mix?" There was a short pause and static as the comm was passed.

"Omega, this is Tech. We took a slight detour. If you recall the mission Cid tried to give us—"

"You took the blackmarket trade mission?!" Omega exclaimed, slapping a hand over her mouth as Hunter and Echo both whipped around.

"Keep your voice—"

"They WHAT?"

Hunter grabbed Omega's arm, holding it up so he could speak into her communicator. "Tech! Wrecker! I swear— Turn around right now and go back to the Marauder. That is an order!"

There was silence on the other side for a brief second. Most likely the two letting the sergeant's anger settle with them.

"We'll be back at 1900," Wrecker's voice held slight fear.

"Straight back!" Echo added. "No diversions." The ARC ended the call with a furious face.

Omega gulped, looking between her brothers. She had never seen them so infuriated. The rest of the walk back to the Marauder was silent. Omega could practically feel the tension. It only worsened when they actually arrived at the ship.

"Omega, why don't you go to your room?" Echo stated rather than asked.

Omega didn't need to be told twice as she climbed into the gunners mound. Not a moment later the sound of the Marauder's door hissed open. That's when the yelling began.

"How could you both have been so careless?!" Hunter's shouts carried through the hold. "I told Cid that mission was too risky and you both disobeyed my direct decision!"

"We've been through enough the past few weeks!" Echo's scomp hit the wall of the ship hard. "Tech, you barely survived that fall, a-and now you're risking your life again!?"


"No! I expected more from both of you, but especially you, Tech. I thought you were smarter than this? And then you drag Wrecker down with you?"

"It was my choice too," Wrecker interjected briefly.

Hunter took in a shaky breath. "It doesn't matter. What would happen if you were both caught, huh? We would have to go after you, putting Omega in danger after we just got her and Crosshair back from the clutches of the Empire! Did you ever think of that?"

"I'm sorry, Hunter. That thought never crossed my mind," Tech admitted quietly.

"Of course it didn't." Echo sighed loudly.

Omega pressed her back against the cool metal wall, holding Lula close to her chest as she listened to back and forth arguing. She wanted them to stop. Just stop shouting at each other. Omega placed her hands over her ears, trying to drown out the chaos. She didn't realize when the flimsy curtain moved slightly and another person appeared next to her.


Omega opened her watery eyes. "Crosshair?"

"Why are you...crying?" he carefully asked. The sniper had come back to the Havoc and entered a word war zone. Hunter had instanly began to interrogate him, luckily for him, he had known nothing of Wrecker and Tech's little scheme. He decided to retreat to the back of the ship when he heard the slightest sniffle. It worried him, knowing that sound all too well from his time on Tantiss with the kid.

"I hate when they fight," Omega whispered. "It's so loud and—I don't want them to be mad at each other!"

Crosshair had heard his share of his brother's fight...being a part of most of them, but he understood Omega most likely held his brothers to a different standard. They were her role models, her brothers; parental figures.

"Don't worry. They'll cool down as they always do." Crosshair tried to comfort.

"I've never seen Hunter and Echo so mad." Omega hugged Lula, leaning against Crosshair's arm.

Crosshair resisted the urge to laugh. He wished he could view Hunter and Echo—the self appointed father and mother of the batch— the same way Omega did. What a wild point of view that would be.

"Look kid." He glanced down at her with softer eyes. "This isn't the first fight they've had, and it definitely won't be the last. However, that doesn't mean they don't...love," the word felt vague on his tongue, "each other. Give it time, Omega. They'll come around sooner than you think."

"So, family fight sometimes?" Omega pulled away, looking the sniper in the eyes with her piercing doe ones.

"Yes." He couldn't lie to her. "But we always make up." He gently patted her shoulder. "That's what family does."

Hey y'all, here's a nice short sweetish one before the next hehe.

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