For A While P1

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Omega pulled back her energy bow again. Her fingers were cramping from the constant firing. Another mission of stealing from the Empire was going smoothly, aside from the overwhelming troops that were chasing them. Omega caught a glimpse of her brothers from over her shoulder. They were easily taking care of the enemy, but the situation would soon be out of control once Rampart was alerted.

"Tech, how much longer until we're back to the ship?" Hunter shouted while knocking three troopers down within a matter of seconds.

Tech quickly glanced down at his datapad that was in one hand, blaster in the other. "The Marauder is just several feet away. We'll make it back in no—" All of a sudden a loud rattling of metal echoed through the streets.

"They've brought out the big guns!" Wrecker exclaimed, stopping to stare at the tank that was trailing after them.

Omega gazed in awe. She had never seen such a large piece of machinery up close. It was terrifying to say the least.

Echo must have caught onto her concerns as he tapped Hunter on the shoulder, nodded to Omega.

"Omega, go back to the ship. We'll need a clean escape." Omega gave him a small salute. She was happy she wouldn't have to face the tank, but was scared for her brother's safety. She then remembered that they, unlike her, were meant for war. They had probably faced a lot more dangerous tasks. With that comforting thought, she ran back towards the cover of the ship.

Troopers spilled into the streets. The codes they had must have been more important than they thought. Hunter wasn't worried about them as much as he was worried about the hunk of rolling metal that could take out all of them in a matter of seconds.

"Hunter, we have to fall back!" Echo shouted while stunning multiple clones.

"I can see that," Hunter snapped, trying to figure out what their best option was. He examined the area, seeing many alley's along the sides of buildings. Being the leader, he found it his duty to be the bait. It would give the others less attention so they could run away. " Tech, give me the codes and I'll lead them away."

"Codes? Ask Wrecker."

"Me?!" Wrecker questioned loudly. "I gave them to Omega!"

"You what?!" Each of the members of Clone Force 99 yelled in unison. The small quarrel between the team caused them to miss the blast coming from the tank. They all took cover, but to their surprise it soared over them, lighting up the dark sky.

"What are they shooting at?" Echo asked, trying to pinpoint the location. If not them, then who else would they be after at the moment.

It didn't take long before the blast hit the surface. The explosion made the ground shake viciously. Hunter held onto the wall to keep from falling over. He could feel the vibrations under his feet. The second he was able to interpret it, he felt his heart stop.


The swarm of troops ceased their attack. They had completed their mission.

"We need to go! Omega needs us!" Wrecker screamed, taking off immediately

Wrecker ran like he had never run before, even more so than on Pantora. He wouldn't leave Omega alone in danger again. He promised her that they would go for Mantell Mix when they got back. He wasn't going to break that promise.

Surprisingly, he was the first of the group to arrive back where their ship was docked. The Marauder was no longer standing. In it's place was a heap of metal in the midst of crackling fire.

"Omega!" he shouted into the debris. "Kid, please answer!" He began to dig through the wreckage in hopes of finding any clues.

"Wrecker! Where is she?!" Hunter's voice called out. He joined him moments later in the search for their missing kid.

"Tech, I want you to run a scan over the area. She couldn't have gotten far. She probably never even came back to the ship knowing her," Hunter rambled, trying to convince himself of the best possibilities. She had to be alive. She had to.

"Hunter you need to-"

"She would have been able to hear the blast, even if she was inside the ship, right?"


"She would've fled and gotten to safety. Besides, I don't see anything of the sorts to indicate that she would have-"


Hunter looked up just then noticing that it was Echo who had screamed his name. He was holding something in his hand, tears streaming down his face. Tech was beside him shaking his head.

"What? What's wrong?" Wrecker questioned, staring at the two in pure distraught.

"Hunter, it's part of her tunic. W-We found it-right wh-where the blast...hit." Echo choked out, handing the small piece of cloth to the Sergeant.

Hunter felt all the air in him leave his lungs as he sank to his knees. Omega was gone.

~~~~Some Time Before~~~~

Omega approached the Marauder. Tech had told her to wait for the signal, but until then to be on alert in case something were to happen. Omega found the silence of the ship unpleasant. After being alone for many years, she had plenty of time to herself. Most times she was left in Nala Se's lab with nothing but the humming of the electricity to keep her company. When she was scared, no one would come and comfort her. She learned to keep herself composed. To them, she was just an experiment.

Omega sighed, tired of thinking about the past. It would always be a part of her, but there was so much more to her than it. She was finally taken away from the loneliness by people who actually cared. Omega grew anxious while waiting. She quickly found Lula. The plush tooka gave her a sense of peace in times of worry. She paced around the ship, waiting.

"Come on, send the signal already," she muttered, walking to the door. Her finger hesitantly hovered over the button on the panel. She knew that she wasn't supposed to go back outside, but what if they were in more trouble? She couldn't just sit around until it was too late. Omega watched as the sliding door opened, reintroducing her to the outside world. She carefully stepped down the ramp, making sure her coast was clear.

The young clone ventured towards the port's entrance, peeking out to see if her brothers were close. With no sight of them she let out a frustrated sigh, turning back. She glanced over her shoulder in case they somehow appeared in the last two seconds, but her focus was quickly brought back; she tripped over her own foot. She shook her head as she got up from the ground. She gingerly touched her shoulder. Part of her tunic was missing, having gotten snagged on a broken piece of metal sticking out of a crate. Omega hissed in pain, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle.

She continued her path back to the ship when a sudden blast was heard. She jumped, whipping around just in time to see a bright light shoot across the darkly painted sky. Instead of passing over her like she assumed, her heart stopped when she realized it was heading right for her.

"Oh no," she said to herself, the reality finally settling in.

She bolted for the closest exit, which was the landing bay next to the one their ship was in. The ground rumbled as the blast made contact with the ground. Omega felt herself being launched into the air, hitting the wall. She gasped as the air was knocked out of her, but forced herself to keep moving, despite the pain. Through dazed vision, she found herself wandering through the streets of the unknown planet. She struggled to walk in a straight line. Her head was pounding and her ribs felt like they had been stepped on by someone of Wrecker's size. Before she realized, a pair of arms caught her, picking her up.

"N-no, p-please," she rasped out. A silhouette of helmeted figure was the last thing she could make out as darkness overtook her world.

Cliffhangerrrrr hehe

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