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     Omega tossed her satchel over a shoulder as the Marauder touched down on the platform located on the lower levels of the bustling city of Coruscant. The constant hustle of missions had become normal to her. Her brothers, on the other hand, each had their own firm opinion on the tasks from Rex. Omega sighed heavily as she sat on the steps to the gunner's mount, listening to Hunter and Echo arguing audibly once again. She hated when they fought. A small knot in her stomach formed as their voices grew louder. She didn't want her family to be torn apart over a simple mission. Omega shook her head silently, mustering up the courage to walk towards the cockpit, prepared to enter the word war zone.

"We shouldn't even be here," Hunter spat. "Coruscant out of places!" He threw his hands in the air, directing his anger at Echo, who shared the same mood.

"I'm done with hiding, Hunter. We should be out there fighting back against the Empire," Echo stated fiercely, pointing his scomp at the sergeant.

"Hunter, Echo, I suggest you pause your quarreling." Tech shot both a sharp glance as he jerked his head at the child that entered the room.

Omega hopped into one of the empty chairs, pulling her knees to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. "It's okay. I could hear you guys from my room again," she said too calmly.

Hunter felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him.


He exchanged guilty grimaces with Echo, both communing to put a pin on their...discussion.

"Uh, we'll talk about it later," Hunter explained softly to Omega. "Are you ready?"

Omega nodded, patting her bag that held the intel for the mission. Hunter gave her a small smile of approval, tossing over her helmet that she had left on top of Gonky.

"Let's get this over with," Hunter muttered, yet everyone could hear. Wrecker gave the sergeant a gentle shove as he ushered Omega out of the cockpit.

"The walls ain't that thick 'ya know," the brute mentioned as he pushed past.

Hunter sighed. He never meant to worry Omega. He was trying to look out for her. They had been out of the Empire's eye for a while. Life was beginning to appear normal. Why mess with it now? The war ended, so why go looking for another one? It's not the life Omega deserved. None of them deserved it. Why Echo yearned for that life was beyond him. This was their chance to have what they never could've had back in the GAR.

"Hunter! We really should be going," Tech hollered from the ramp, ripping Hunter from his thoughts of true freedom.

Hunter slid his helmet on. When they all returned, hopefully, the issue could be resolved.


     Omega watched Echo closely. She could tell his demeanor had shifted drastically. The fight with Hunter must have affected him more than all the other times. She didn't know who was in the right. She didn't like choosing between her brothers. She could see where Hunter was coming from. When the Empire was after them, it was terrifying. She had trouble sleeping at night, fearing stormtroopers would find them, kill her brothers, and then take her away. Vivid memories of Hunter falling to the ground with a smoking hole in his chest made her shiver.


The cyborg turned around, looking down at the small clone.

"Why do you want to fight against the Empire so badly?"

Echo sank to a knee, setting a hand on her shoulder. He had no problem explaining his reasoning.

"The Empire is not what we were made for. We were made to fight against the Separatists, the goal being to end the war so we could live in peace. The Empire is the opposite. They're power-hungry. You saw that with the inhibitor chips." Echo paused, his mind trickling back to memories of the first time Rex told him about Jesse, Tup...Fives. "Our brothers don't deserve that treatment. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to get them out."

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