I'm Here

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     It was dark. No stars lit up the sky, giving off any source of light. Omega glanced around at the scene she was placed in. She was back in her kaminoan clothes. Her hair was also much shorter, barely touching the back of her neck.

"What's happening?" Omega pulled at her hair.

Where am I?

"There you are."

Omega jerked her head up. Red sinister eyes contrasting against deep blue skin pierced through the darkness like a knife. Omega let out a small gasp.

Not him.

"You thought you could hide from me, little lady?" The Duros advanced toward her, blaster in hand.

"No! Get away from me!" Omega shouted, backing up.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be. You don't want to end up like your friend over there do you?" The bounty hunter pointed to a heap laid sprawled out a few feet away from their position.


Omega suddenly tripped over her own foot, crashing to the ground with a thud. She needed to get to Hunter. To her surprise, the bounty hunter let her. The clone crawled over to her fallen brother. Hunter's armor reverted back to its original red paint job. Omega gently shook his form, tears spilling and running down her cheeks.

"Hunter, wake up!" she demanded; begged. Her voice cracked as she shook him with more force. "Please! Hunter, I need you!" She heard the bounty hunter's blaster click from behind her.

"Why?!" she wailed, clinging to her brother's still body. "Why did you kill him?!"

"It's all part of the job." Bane reached down, taking her arm in a vice grip, ripping her away from Hunter.

"No!" Omega screeched, doing everything in her power to break free from the Duros' grasp. "He needs help! Please!"

"None you can give," Bane dawled out, yanking her harder.

No! She needed to get to him. He could still be alive! She couldn't let him be alone on his deathbed. He needed her. Omega scratched at the Duros' arm like a wild tooka being taken into captivity.

Cad Bane growled under his breath. "Quit making this difficult!" He tightened his grip around the girl's small wrist causing her to yelp out in pain.

"Why are you doing this?!" Omega cried.

She was growing tired of struggle. Tired of the pain. What had she done to deserve this?

"It's nothing personal, kid," the bounty hunter huffed, almost in amusement at her turmoil. "You should have come quietly."

Omega's heart fluttered as she felt the cool end of the blaster meet her temple. She didn't turn her head, gaze focused on Hunter. Warm tears ran freely down her face as the safety clicked off.

Hunter was dead and it was all her fault.

"Goodnight, little lady."

"NO!" Omega shot up. Her breath came out in gasps as she scooted backward into the wall. She jumped at the sudden contact, trying to orient herself with the new surroundings.

"No, no, no, no, no," she repeated hysterically. Hunter was gone. She was aboard a strange ship, away from all her brothers. She had to get back to them. She didn't want to go back to Kamino. She couldn't go back to all the tests, the experiments, oh the grueling, painful experiments. Not when she had finally found her family...but Hunter.

Blood pounded in her ears, her heart hammered in her chest as she began to shake uncontrollably. They wouldn't want her back after she was the reason Hunter died.

"Omega?" A hand wrapped around her arm.

The physical touch brought her out of her trance. "Get off!" she shrieked, fear spreading throughout her like a fire as she curled into a little ball to shield herself from the threat.

"Whoa, kid." The hand left, bringing a small sensation of peace to her. "Omega, you're safe. I promise."

"H-Hunter?" Omega whispered, peeking out from behind the hands she placed over her face.

"Yeah, kid. It's me." Hunter carefully reached out, letting her decide whether to accept his gesture.

Omega hesitantly took his hand, gripping it tightly as if her life depended on it.

With his free hand, Hunter turned on the fairy lights stringed along the gunner's mount. The soft glow was just enough for him to make out Omega's frightened face. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, followed by her messy blonde locks that stuck to her forehead.

"Oh, Omega." Hunter's heart burned at the sight of his ad'ika.

"Hunter—I'm scared," she choked out, looking at him with pure confusion, panic and terror. Her breath started becoming irregular again. Her eyes darted wildly back and forth between him and the rest of the room.

Hunter quickly sprung into action. "Shhh, it's okay. There's no need to be scared. I'm here with you. Can you take some deep breaths for me?" He patiently guided her through the breathing exercises, letting her grip his hand as hard as she needed to. Omega copied him as best as she could without tearing her gaze away from him.

"Good job, Omega," Hunter said tenderly. "You're safe. You're on the Marauder with Tech, Wrecker, Echo and I. No one's going to hurt you. I promise."

Omega closed her eyes, focusing on Hunter's voice. It was deep and soothing. She believed him.

"I-I'm sorry," she murmured. "I'm sorry." A new tear dripped down her cheek but was swiftly wiped away by a gloved thumb.

"You have no reason to apologize, kid. You did nothing wrong."

Omega sniffled as her world finally seemed to calm down. She could now clearly see Hunter's face. His expression was loving—though there was some worried mix in— bringing comfort to her.

"There you go," Hunter smiled, opening his arms out to her. Omega wasted no time falling into him, burying her face into his chest.

Hunter wrapped his arms securly around her fragile body, slowly standing up. He didn't go far, turning the gunner's chair around to sit in. Just before settling down, he made sure to grab Lula, who was at the base of it.

"Buir?" Omega mumbled, on the verge of sleep again.

Hunter wasn't prepared for that title, raising his brows in astonishment, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in it. "What is it, kid?" The sergeant whispered, offering the beloved stuffed tooka.

Omega graciously took it, snuggling closer. "Thank you," she said softly. "For always being there."

Thank you so much to @Mkbed56 for the idea!!

Happy Bad Batch/ Mando Wednesday!! I'm staying up til 3 to watch bad batch at least, I'll save Mando for when I'm actually awake #dedicatedandsleepdeprived😙 I'm so excited TBB even tho it might be a bit slower of an ep, but there ain't no such thing as filler.

Hope everyone is having a good day/night !!

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