06| Evicted

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 "Yeah, yeah," Chenelle replied with disinterest, her voice bouncing off the cavern walls. "I'll try to overlook the fact I'm killing innocent people who are only doing this because Dane Vogel is an asshole."

     "Dane Vogel isn't an asshole," Pierce argued. "You know how much it would cost to provide shelters and jobs for these people when the city is already overpopulated. They need to go."

     "Well," Chenelle's voice swelled in amplification. "maybe if he didn't build a fucking eyesore in the middle of the city, we'd have more space for shelters." Chenelle crossed her arms over her chest, staring menacingly at Pierce with strong animosity as she ended, "He's an egotistical prick."

     "Look, even if he did build apartments, they wouldn't be able to pay for them anyway because they'd still be unemployed, therefore putting them back in that position of being poor and homeless." He pointed his finger at her, declaring, "Your opinion is invalid."

     "You're invalid you ill-bred shit!" Chenelle riposted, slapping his hand out of her face. Pierce made like he was about to get in her face, but Rascal promptly placed himself between the two before the quarrel could get escalate.

     "Will you two knock it off?" he whispered piercingly, switching his gaze from Pierce to Chenelle. "We have a job to do; we have to work together, and that won't happen if you two can't cooperate."

     "Fine." Chenelle and Pierce seethed, glowering at each other. Rascal muttered some curse words under his breath as he led the two closer to the shoddy town. Perched on a rickety watchtower made from corroded vehicle fragments and dismantled frames rested a bedraggled man, seemingly asleep. No wonder the gate was wide open.

     "So, what's the plan?" Pierce questioned, glancing at Rascal.

     "We run in there, and shoot all the motherfuckers inside." Rascal shrugged as he looked over his rifle. Pierce shook his head.

     "I think we should—"

     "Sounds good to me." Chenelle interjected. She'd rather not hear him speak anymore. Rascal smirked at her and aimed his rifle at the grubby man. Taking the lead and the first resounding shot, the bullet pierced the guard's head, tilting it the other way as the bullet passed through his skull, his limp body falling off the side of the tower and down onto the ground.

     "Holy shit!" Chenelle shouted, dropping her rifle on the ground to cover her gaping mouth. She swiftly picked it back up and trailed after Pierce and Rascal with a jittery feeling in her abdomen. The boys already went ahead of her and she could hear heavy shouts and penetrating gunfire lighting up. They made it seem effortless. She struggled to keep up, feeling like a Call of Duty noob on his first mission as Rascal and Pierce butchered the men one by one.

     Chenelle was suspended in her tracks when a man leaped out from behind his cover wielding a double-barreled shotgun with a cruel look on his face that made the tiny fibers of hair on her neck stand on end. He hoisted the front of the gun at her, and she stared at the hollow orbs glaring at her with malice. She felt a strong force move her out of harm's way.

     "Move!" Rascal shouted, shoving her towards cover as a sound as loud thunder rang in her ears. Rascal took the opportunity and peeked around the corner, squeezing the trigger of his rifle and releasing a couple of bullets at the man. She heard a loud clatter followed by a thud. Rascal smiled weakly at her before his sociopathic self veered its ghastly head. He then ran off without her. Chenelle grabbed her chest, feeling her heart beating rapidly within.

     "What am I getting myself into?" she questioned herself, feeling her vision tunnel. She slumped down to the moist rocky ground, blinking her eyes rapidly to ward off the feeling.

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