37| Compromise

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Two days later...

"Alright, Mr. Gat, you're all patched up," the fair-skinned woman smiled at him whilst bunching up his old bandages in her hands. She grabbed her kit and slung the strap over her shoulders. "The wound should be completely healed—unless you get yourself into trouble again—by the end of this week."

     "About fucking time," Gat mumbled as he lifted himself up off of the couch, earning a disapproving glare from the boss.

     "Gat," He shook his head, turning his attention to the nurse, "Thanks for coming, Maria, we really, really appreciate it."

     "Anytime," she waved him off and slapped Gat on the shoulder. She hooked her finger onto her hair band and pulled it off, her long light brown hair cascading it's constructive ponytail. She raked her fingers through it whilst shaking it out before pulling all its length to the side to braid it. "Just stay out of trouble. My boss doesn't know I do this, and I'm running out of excuses to give him."

     "I'll make sure he takes a vacation," The boss said sweetly, his eyes saying otherwise to the irritated Johnny Gat. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and pulled out a crisp hundred dollar bill. "If anything, I'll hit you up for instructions."

     "So I'm a paramedical hotline now?" she joked, causing the boss to let out a chuckle. She bid them a good day, announcing her departure. Gat looked towards the boss, annoyance radiating in his eyes. He followed her into the foyer and led her to the door, slamming it closed and locking it once she stepped outside into autumn. He came back into the living room to find the boss laying on the couch, his phone resting on his chest, flicking channels with the remote in his hand. Gat walked to the end of the couch where the boss's feet rested stacked on top of each other and tapped his leg, requesting for him to get up. The boss let out a groan and sat up, catching his phone in his lap.

Gat sat down as he spoke. "I can't wait until this shit heals. I'm about ready to give this chick a piece of my mind."

     "She still trying to flirt?" the boss asked tiredly.

     "Since day one."

     "I wouldn't mind, she's cute," the boss chuckled, "and she into you."

     "Get the fuck out," His eyes shot up to the TV when Jane's iconic voice reached his ears preaching about yesterday's previous endeavors. Video footage from cell phones and screaming soon followed. "Hey, turn the TV up real quick."

     The boss aimed the remote at the flat screen and subsequently Jane's voice rose. Lining the bottom of the screen read the headline: Stilwater descends into chaos. She regurgitated the aftermath of the prior battle between the Brotherhood and the Saints, showing images of damaged stores and shops, bodies, and metal carnage. She then stated the amount of property damage caused, which was beginning to reach into the hundred thousands, then ended her runtime highlighting the Saints' triumphant victory against their adversary. The boss couldn't hide the grin that stretched across his face. He shifted his gaze to Gat. "We keep making headlines like this and we might end up celebrities."

Gat's brow rose and he peered at the boss from the corner of his eye. "If we do, I hope I die before I let the fame get to my head."

     The boss and Gat shared a laugh before the boss changed the channel to ESPN. The boss picked his phone from off his lap and woke it up, checking his messages before dropping it back into his lap. He laced his fingers behind his head and leaned into the backrest. "So, Shaundi told me Maero's shipment got delayed."

The news peaked Gat's interests. "Oh really? Why?"

     "No clue, but apparently he went around shaking people up about it. I also heard he's tryin' to get some of his boys out of prison. "

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