27| Hooked

751 46 19

Three days later...

Today's high peaked at fifty degrees with an amicable breeze passing by during the hour. Shaundi enjoyed the outer world with her friends playing hacky sack, bundled up to the neck in warm clothing. Her nose and cheeks were tinted a rosy red from the brisk autumn weather. It's been a while since she's seen her friends after joining the gang. She wasn't doing anything major seeing as the boss labeled her as a rookie, but not much occurred recently. The funeral seemed to be the calming point for the gang. In the meantime, she spent her time getting high and horse playing.

One of her friends- a young female like her- grinned happily, realizing it was her turn to start of their game. She dropped the sack down to her foot and kicked it back up towards Shaundi. A grin grew on Shaundi's face as the sack sailed towards her foot. Shaundi kicked it a couple of times until it came above chest level, then passed it over to the next player. Completely caught by surprised, the player kicked it harder than necessary, sending it flying passed Shaundi's shoulder.

"Sorry." He quailed.

"No prob," Shaundi shrugged. "I got it."

Shaundi turned on her heel and squinted her eyes as she scanned the parking lot for the sack. She spotted it close to the nearby bank in an empty parking space. She jogged towards the small object, bending over to pick it up once she reached it. She subconsciously smiled to herself once it was in her hands.

"Watch out!" One of the boys called out. Shaundi looked back to see a red car swerving right into the parking space she was in. Preparing for impact, Shaundi shielded her face with her hands and hunched over. The car came to a halt with a loud screech.

"Huh?" Shaundi breathed out. Her heart pounded rapidly inside her chest. The driver's door swung open and out stepped a thin Caucasian woman. Her ginger hair was tied tightly into a low ponytail, dark black eyeliner enhanced her cat-like eye shape, and she wore loosely fitting clothes that matched the color of her muscle car. The woman's eyebrows arched into a frown at the sight of Shaundi after she slammed her door close. Shaundi noticed the black attache clutched tightly in the woman's hand.

"Jesus Christ, are you trying to get killed?" She yelled, her heels clicking loudly as she walked to the side walk.

"Look, I'm sorry." Shaundi apologized even though this whole situation wasn't entirely her fault. The woman raised a hand to silence her.

"I don't have time for this." She cut off. her eyes rolled around in her head before she brought her cell phone up to her ear. "Sorry about that baby, I almost dented my car on a hippie chick."

Shaundi retorted, "Hey, I'm not a hippie!"

The woman ignored her and continued her conversation. "Maero, I'm fine... Look, I gotta go, I'm about to make the deposit." Shaundi's felt her ears perked once Maero's name was mentioned.

"Sweetie, let me worry about the money..." Her voice became harder to hear with each step she took. She continued: "We'll have enough to cover the shipment, and once that comes in the Saints won't have a chance in hell."

Shaundi squinted her eyes again, this time in deep thought. A shipment? she thought to herself, A shipment of what?

"Yo, Shaundi," One of her friends said. Shaundi turned around to face them, her thoughts still wrapped around the shipment. "we gonna hack or what?"

Shaundi tossed the sack to him and waved him off, turning her back to him and slipping her phone out her pocket. She dialed the boss's number and impatiently waited for him to pick up. He answered on the third ring.

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