19| #BBHMM

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The room was silent. Two beings stirred in bed. Blinds which covered the windows shaded them from the sun's harmful rays, but did not attempt to block out any source of light. The room was illuminated just enough to make objects visible, but not enough to flush the room with the high contrast the sun would've provided.

Pierce's eyes slowly opened. His vision was blurred at first, but everything was slowly made sharp after a few seconds. His chest rose and fell heavily, causing the person on his side to squirm. He peered down at Chenelle who was peacefully sleeping still. She had a massive head of bed hair. All her curls he grew so used to seeing so uniform was a curly poof on her head.

Her beauty wasn't taken away by this. In fact, it was enhanced by this. She had such raw beauty that resembled uncut crystal gems.

He smiled at her and brushed some of her hair out of her face, which caused her to wake up as well. She squinted as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the environment.

"Good morning." she eventually murmured as she nestled her head between his arm and his side.

"Morning." he replied. "How'd you sleep?"

Chenelle stretched her legs out.

"Pretty good." she smiled. She sat up straight and looked around the room, then down at her wrists. They were clean and wrapped in a cloth bandage. She also noticed she was wearing a long sleeved sweatshirt.

"I took care of your hands while you were sleeping." he informed.

She gave him a smug look as she said, "And I suppose you dressed me in your sweater too?"

"Y-Yeah..." he admitted, quickly looking away. Chenelle giggled.

The two continued their morning together, carrying out the basic routine. Pierce let Chenelle take a shower while he prepared them breakfast. He hoped Jayden wasn't up yet since he hasn't told the kid about his new friend. Honestly, he was afraid about how Jayden would react. He's only heard about Trinity and he flipped out; how would he react to letting Chenelle sleep over again? Well, not that he knew about it the first time...

"What'cha cookin'?" Chenelle's sweet voice startled him, and he almost dropped the plate of hot pancakes in his hand. Chenelle giggled and took the the plate out of his hands.

"I don't know when my son's gonna get up, so I made a lot." Pierce spoke. He leaned against the countertop watching Chenelle place the plate of pancakes on the high table he had pushed against the wall. He found it funny that she had to reach over the table a bit to place the plate down. His grin vanished once he accidentally caught a glimse of her white lace panties. He felt his cheeks heat up, and shifted uncomfortably as he looked away.

"About that," she said, oblivious to his actions, "I actually met him before."

He was too busy trying to prevent himself from imagining her in only undergarments (even though he saw it all already).

"Pierce?" she said, raising an eyebrow at him. He blinked.

"Oh, uh, sorry. What was that?" he asked.

"I said I met him before. He was being bullied by some man and I helped him out."

Pierce stepped closer to her. "You what?"

"Helped him out. Y'know, eliminated the problem?"

Pierce frowned. "Wait, so you—"

"Hey dad," Jayden's voice came from the hallway, chilling Pierce to the bone. "do you know where I put my char—"

Pierce and Chenelle both looked towards Jayden, who stood in the door frame with his mouth open wide. His eyes slowly shifted from his dad to Chenelle, and then back to his dad.

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