48.5| Take Care

454 35 3

Raul tried to ignore the sniffling he heard coming from Shaundi's room as he stuffed his belongings into his suitcase. Steelport was waiting for him, a new chapter awaited him. He had no real reason to stay in Stilwater any longer. Sure, he made some unique friends he would now leave behind, but it's not the first time he's received that impression. It's not the first time he broke hearts with his departure, but at this point, he felt indifferent about it. One might say he's selfish, but really he sees it as continuing on.

There are billions of people in the world and amazing sights he hasn't discovered yet, why should he tie himself down and be committed to one set of persons and a city in which he discovered all its secrets?

He lived on Earth, therefore every inch of it could be a place he calls home, and all of Earth's people were part of his home, yet still he felt this nagging tug at the back of his head telling him to stay, that there's more to be discovered about Stilwater and the people he's come across. Uncovering the secrets of the city is one thing, but secrets of the persons within those secrets is another thing. Maybe there was a silver lining he had missed, details he carelessly ignored that were key to what made this nagging tug exist.

What is it about Chenelle and Gat and Shaundi and Pierce, the boss and the gang and its adversaries, the city and its people and the system that runs it that he did not know? He knows the vague story of the city itself, yet failed to learn any sub-stories that tied into the bigger picture. He laughed to himself, astonished at how he actually wanted to stay. Who really wanted him here? Friends come and go, and after a few weeks of him being gone, he'd probably be replaced with someone like him or even better, so who really wanted him here?

Raul slammed his suitcase shut, closing on his heavy baggage. “What am I even running away from?” He questioned himself, curious as to why he forced himself to take on this lifelong trip. He didn't feel like a tourist, but more like a runaway child; lost, lonely, and troubled. He sat down on the side of the king sized bed and stared at the wooden floor, biting the inside of his lip. Maybe commitment was his issue. The idea of being in one locale seeing the same faces for a large portion of his life bothered him, but then again, maybe it wasn't as bad as he was making it seem.

Raul dragged his suitcase along the wooden floor and out into the hallway. It was probably the only one he'd carry. He never brought much with him that reminded him of where he came from, so anything that held tribute to Stilwater would remain in Stilwater. He ignored the sobs coming from Shaundi's room and proceeded downstairs. He tossed his keys to the apartment onto the the table adjacent to the door.

The hallway leading to the elevator was empty and lonesome. A loud ding echoed through the hall once the elevator reached his level. He hoped Chenelle had good luck with Gat. He never made an effort to check on her nor was he planning to. He almost felt guilty for the false promises he made about keeping in touch, for he solemnly did so. He slipped his phone out his pocket and contemplated in turning it off. Who was gonna call him?

As if Jesus himself answered, Chenelle’s name popped up on the caller ID. Raul felt his heart skipped a beat, but surely this was purely coincidental. “Hello,” he answered. Chenelle's tired, heavy breathing was the first thing he heard.

“Di-did you leave yet?” She panted heavily. She didn't wait for him to reply before adding, “I hope you didn't because Gat said I need to lay low and play by his rules until the time is right,” she paused to catch her breath. “I can't do that if you up and leave, now can I? It would be awfully suspicious to Niqo.”

Pero mija, I'm already all packed up.”

“Where are you?”

“In the elevator.”

Chenelle didn't reply. Raul listened in and only heard heavy breathing. He was about to break the silence and call out to her, but when the elevator doors opened and revealed she was already there, he only uttered incoherent noises. “How did you--”

“I may or may not have ‘borrowed’ someone's sport's car,” Chenelle grinned, hanging up the phone.

“Borrowed,” he laughed, exasperated. She wrapped him in a tight hug, causing him to drop his phone on the floor.

“Please, don't go. I don't fully understand why you want to leave, but you can't leave now,” she whispered, “Not only for me, but for Shaundi, too. She was probably gonna kill me if I walked through that door without you.”

A laugh escaped Raul's chest that grew stronger each time he paused to catch his breath, but he wasn't laughing because it was hilarious. Raul returned the hug, squeezing her into his body. He buried his head into her neck, his hysterical laughs causing tears to spring from his eyes. Chenelle felt the moisture on her neck, confused as to what to do. “Did I miss something?” She asked, unsure as to whether he was jovial or upset.

Still he continued to laugh and weep, not bothering to hide the choking feeling he felt inside any longer. He felt like a runaway child, desolate and distraught, yet found a home here in Stilwater. It wasn't the quality of the city that made him want to stay, but the quality of the friends he's gained while being here. Chenelle reached from the hug and slapped the button leading to their floor, and as the elevator doors closed, his weeping eased up, and a sense of comfort overcame him at the realization his lifetime wish - to find a home - was fulfilled.


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