12.5| Friends of Friends

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"Curly, stay behind me!" The boss demanded, using one hand to push her further behind him as he drew his gun with his other hand. "Carlos, stay at my right!"

Carlos drew his gun as well, rushing to the right side of the boss. Maero pressed forward, charging towards the corner where an unfortunate police officer was disarmed and shot in his face. Maero motioned for them to follow before disappearing around the corner, gunshots ringing loudly throughout the cavern.

"Alright, let's move!" the boss exclaimed, running after Maero. Maero was already halfway towards another bridge, shooting at the officers who tried to cross over. They yelled things she could hardly make out over the shots being fired. Tourists were scrambling all over the place, running and screaming with terrified expressions on their face. Chenelle wanted to run too, but she couldn't just leave. It would make her look like a coward to the boss, even though was already shaking from fear. She risked her life before, but that's when she thought it was going to be a one time thing.

"We need to get outta here!" Maero shouted as he shot three more officers, making sure their bodies were limp before proceeding.

"Yeah, but which way?" Carlos shouted back. His gun was aimed straight as he hastily searched for am exit.

"The exit is most likely where the police are coming from." Chenelle chimed in, pointing towards the well lit tunnel another small group of officers were heading through. The gang made their way towards the tunnel, killing the officers before they could even draw their weapons. The stairs that led to the upper and lower level of the place was right ahead of them, and as they finally arrived there, they slowed to a stop, panting heavily to catch their breaths. Carlos spat on the ground, wiping his mouth before he spoke.

"Alright," He motioned towards the stairs. "we go up, we'll hit the street; we go down, we're takin' a boat outta here."

Maero and the boss exchanged glances, but the boss shifted his attention from Maero to Chenelle with a tired grin.

"Alright rookie, it's your call."

Chenelle straightened her posture, surprised the boss was making her choose at a time like this. She would protest against his demand, but knowing another group of cops can show up any second now, she'll hold her tongue until later. She quickly played out what could happen if they went either way as she rubbed her chin.

"If we go upstairs.." she spoke. "A group of cops will most likely be waiting for us at the door. But, if we take the boat, the only problem we'll have is a helicopter on our tail.."

Chenelle pointed towards the stairs leading to the lower docks.

"The boat's a better bet." she declared, marching down the stairs with the crew following close behind. Surely there at the tiny dock was a roofless boat that could hold up to six people. They boarded the boat, speeding off out to sea. Surprisingly, a helicopter wasn't already in the sky.

"They probably expected us to go to the upper level." Carlos said over the roar of the boat. "Maero, where's your hideout?"

"Not too far. Turn around and head south." Maero replied, pointing his pistol in the direction he said.

The gang arrived at the Brotherhood stronghold, which was an abandoned looking building on the end of an unused dock. The building itself was decrepit and dusty, the once bright red brick looking more like dry rust.

The inside of the hideout was very dimly lit and humid. Moldy foorboards were lifted up, the white wall paint was chipped and yellow from rat piss, big patches of green and black mold sunk the ceiling; the condition of their headquarters were terrible. They could understand why it kept them under the radar from police.

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