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The boss felt the corners of his mouth fall when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He lifted his butt off the seat a bit so he could easily slide his hand in his pocket and grab his phone. He was expecting Pierce or Carlos's contact name to pop up, but it was a number he didn't recognize. Expecting it to be the same person that called before about Jyunichi, he answered the call with a stern voice, "Who's this?"

He could feel Gat and Chenelle peering at him.

"Boss! Boss!" A frantic female's voice cried to him. The boss felt his heart rate increase. "Carlos! The Brotherhood took him! We were just heading back to the crib when they rolled up and attacked us! The boys and I fought them off of us, but they took Carlos, man!"

The boss froze momentarily in shock. What could they want with Carlos?After hanging up, he squeezed his phone in his hand so tight, he could almost feel the plastic cracking apart in his hand. He then relinquished his anger on the back of the seat in front of him and demanded the driver to stop the cabby. The cabby came to an abrupt halt and the boss nearly kicked the door open. Once outside, he felt like his feet were burning from all the rage built up inside. First Gat got hurt, and now Carlos got kidnapped?

The boss stormed over to an old fashion Honda Civic, swung the door open, and pulled out the driver.

"I'm jacking your shit." He growled. The passenger, who must've been their partner, madly jiggled the lock on their door desperately trying to get out. Once she opened the door, the boss shoved her out and slammed his own door closed. Just before he pulled off, Chenelle hopped into the car nearly scraping her foot when the boss hit the gas.

"Boss!" She squalled. "Where are you going!"

The boss beat his fist on the steering wheel as he shouted back, "They fucking took Carlos!"

All of the warm color drained from her face, her cheeks turning to a flushed powdered color. Her mouth hung open in shock and fear. She struggled to find words and only uttered out, "Who?"

"The fucking Brotherhood!" The boss bellowed. He felt his phone ringing in his pocket again. Setting the car to cruise control, he didn't bother checking the caller ID this time and answered straight away. "Who the fuck is this?"

"I think your people skills need some work, sweetie." An unfamiliar yet sultry voice responded.


"I like the new tattoo you gave my man," The woman interrupted. "I think it's pretty sexy. Rugged, tough... Radioactive."

The boss squinted his eyes in confusion. "The fuck are you talkin' about?"

"I just wanted to let you know that since you were nice enough to give my man a makeover, I should return the favor. Don't worry, by the time we're through with him, Carlos'll look just as handsome as Maero."

The boss was utterly confused. What did Maero's tattoo have to do with Carlos? Why did his face sound like it was fifty shades of fucked up? All the unanswered questions racing through his mind fueled his anger even more.

He spat, "Listen up, you fuckin' bitch-"

"'Course, I don't have access to the same materials you did, but ya know, I figure we can make do." She interrupted again.

Now, he was getting frustrated. He hated being interrupted.

"When I find you-" He started, only to be cut off again.

"I'm sure you'll do something scary. Do me a favor. When you're scraping up your buddy's face, just remember Maero gave you a chance to be his partner."

Too Far Gone (Urban)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя