54| Picking a Fight

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Infuriated by Ultor’s recent attack on the Saints, the boss ordered for his lieutenants — Gat, Shaundi, Pierce and Chenelle — to meet up with him at a quiet bar. All but Shaundi arrived on time, the small group sitting at a round pub table. They made small talk, conversing about yesterday's events and their assumptions on the matter. The boss figured this attack was due to all the gang rivalry occurring behind the scenes of Stilwater’s daily routine.

     Shaundi entered the tiny sports bar, hastily searching for the group. Once she spotted them, she started towards them. "She's late," Pierce mumbled, swirling his virgin daiquiri before taking a sip.

     "Sorry, I was trying to get this,” Shaundi slipped the boss a small booklet that read, 'The Pyramid: What They Don't Want You to Know’. The boss unfolded the booklet, his eyes scanning over various headings. Gat leaned into him, squinting at the paper.

     "Is this The Pyramid?" Gat questioned, referring to the photo on the first page. It showed the sewer that ran under a mountain, a large circle indicating an entry point.

     "Yeah,” she confirmed, “Ultor's built a huge R&D facility underneath Mount Claflin."

     "Let me guess,” Gat brought his own cup to his lips, teasing his tongue with a faint taste of alcohol that lined the rim from his earlier sip. “They aren't developin' a better breadbox..."

     "Honestly they probably are…” Shaundi shrugged, taking a mint from the small bowl full on the table. “They're just, ya know, developing guns and body armor too."

     "Why's Ultor gunnin' for us?" Pierce chimed in.

     "It doesn't matter, here's the plan,” The boss placed the booklet on the table. “Pierce and Shaundi, I want the two of you to hit the streets and take out as much Ultor property as you can. If Ultor wants to come after us, fine; but we're gonna make it fuckin' cost 'em. Gat, you and I are gonna hit the pyramid."

     “Wait,” Chenelle peeped, “what about me?”


     "What, we don't get to blow up shit in public?" Gat added, taking a glance at her. The boss let out a sigh, rubbing the side of his head.

     "Fine, we can do some damage street side,” he gave in, “but we gotta be quick. I don't wanna give Ultor any more of a heads up then we have to. Don't have too much fun, this is only a distraction.”

     “Yeah, yeah, let's just get to it,” Gat stated, eagerly rising from his seat. “I got a show to watch at five and I ain't gonna be happy if I miss it.”

The boss, Gat and Chenelle met up at the entrance marked on the photo in the booklet after causing some damage around town. Shaundi and Pierce were still out, leaving just the three of them as planned. Mount Claflin was the only mountain range in Stilwater. It was a natural divisor between the university and the town dedicated to it. The three jumped the fence separating the river wastewater.

     “Oh, God,” Chenelle grimaced, pinching her nose. The boss, who lead the way, gestured towards the polluted water.

     “Did you think it would smell good?” The boss smirked. Chenelle shot him a glare.

     “Obviously not, but I didn't expect it to be this… gross either.”

     The boss shrugged, treading the uneven terrain carefully. The entrance was on an offset platform that had a short flight of stairs leading towards the water. “This must be how they get their shit discreetly,” the boss mumbled, his voice echoing in the narrow tunnel. The door itself wasn't that hidden; it looked to be a regular service door one would find in a subway tunnel. However, the Ultor logo stamped to it was a dead giveaway despite the posted warning sign reading “KEEP OUT”.

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