II. The Possibility - All Alone with Another Guy?! (Part 10) Saver

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II. The Possibility - All Alone with Another Guy?! (Part 10) Saver


Xander was restless.

He could not forget what Lander had said earlier. He was used at his joking but that word still echoes at his mind. “…for love…”

“Argh…Xander shoot it…It’s not a big deal…” Xander was irritated and scratching his head.

He decided to look for Lander and talk over it and if possible force him to take those words back as if it was just a joke.

He went up the van’s roof. He was about to talk when a huge zombie appeared from the sky going on Lander’s spot.

Xander shouted, “IDIOT GET AWAY FROM THERE!!!” Lander was just in a huh-manner because he was listening to his iPod.

It was too late when Lander realized that there was a Zombie approaching him.


Lander tried to roll over. He wasn’t hit by the Sumo Zombie because he was saved by a dog. It looked like a zombie dog but it isn’t. The dog growled and bites the zombie.

Xander drew his ZombieDissolution gun and shot the zombie.


“Where did that dog came from?” Xander was confused. 

The dog ran at Lander. It licked and wagged at him. Lander was immediately attached to the dirty full of scar mutt.

 “Hahaha…hey buddy cut it out…and thanks for saving me…” Lander was laughing out loud forgetting his sappy heart problem.

“Hey, X, can I keep the mutt here?” Lander said with a happy contended smile. Xander forgot what he was thinking earlier and agree. After he saw Lander with that face he thought that he was just joking earlier about the love thing.

“Hey, don’t forget give it a bath…it smells…” Xander added.

“Ayey…Capitey…” Lander saluted.


I am indeed crazy in writing this one…Harharhar (^o^)

And I’m thinking to have a lonely chap.next…yeeeees coz I am very happy!!!! (Evil)




The Possibility - All Alone with Another Guy?! (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now