II. The Possibility - All Alone With Another Guy?! (Part 15)Rap*ng Someone...LOL

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NOte: Pandora-love don't hate me LOL (^o^) you just inspire me harharhar to be a pervert LOL...though this one is a failure...harharhar

II. The Possibility – All Alone With Another Guy?! (Part 15) Mission Rap*ng Someone…LOL


Lander was down because he felt of being unloved.


“What the h*ll am I thinking…there’s a lot of guys here aside from them…I’m a healthy young man who needs to do it!!!if I can’t get it in peace then I should get it by force!”

It was Pandora-Love’s numero uno motto, it’s a mechanical female s*x dictionary like a pokedics y’know in pokemon, taught him how to be a super aggressive maniac, how did he found that thing? He accidentally saw it in a dump site while searching for survivors that somehow calling for him. I know that’s pretty psychotic but that’s what actually happen. Anyway…this machine showed him how to be the super seme..he’s drooling at the s-scene… though…Lander is an uke by nature…but that doesn’t stop him sooooo…

Mission 1: Rap*ng Carl…(Who’s Carl? Nevermind At least he has a target…hihihihi)

“Okay…gonna do it with Carl!” Lander was still a virgin but he’s determined to be a seme though he didn’t know how to be like one. Why, his physical features failed to be a real tachi! (^o^)

Carl happened to pass by and Lander used his seductive smile. Carl blushed.

“Thississit!” Lander looked like a lunatic while drooling. He hauled him in a secluded locker room then looked around to see if the area is clear.

He’s anticipating this, “Finally, before I die…I can have a guy!!!A long last I will lose my virginity!!!mwuahahaha…”



Carl runs off in the speed of light.

“Waaaaa…Wait…come back…!” It was Lander’s failed attempt because Nion saw and secretly followed them.

“Grrr…bastard! Why are you here and I secured the area…how did you came here without me knowing?”

“Duh…I am a humanoid…by the way don’t let Diana be left behind…she screams a lot…and don’t ever think of defiling yourself when you’re still my energy source…the taste would be bad…” he’s threatening him.

“Geez…he’s not caring about me but the taste of his food…” Lander cried.


Mission 2: Rap*ng Rodeo (Again, who cares who’s Rodeo is, he’s just a mere target, so don’t ask about him.hehe)

The next day, Lander was still determined to lose his front’s virginity  and took an eye with Rodeo.

He secured the area. No Nion around meaning a success!



“Waaaaaaaah…stoppit…you jerk!” he yelled because Xander saw him and hauled him out.

“Idiot…dare to screwed with my cousin’s boyfriend and say your last prayer…” Xander growled.

“Your cousin is already DEAD!” Lander shouted.

Xander twitched and knocked him off. Lander saw a lot of birds flying over his head.


The Possibility - All Alone with Another Guy?! (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now