Bakugan Stall

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It was night as Shun was at the roof of his house playing the flute sound with a leaf as Skyress was by his side.

Skyress: Shun, are you all right?

Shun stops playing and stays silent for a few seconds before answering.

Shun: I don't know.

Meanwhile, Dan was in his room as he was on his computer checking the rankings. He then sees Shun in the rank number six.

Dan: Shun, you really are letting yourself go.

Drago: Dan, is it true that he was number one after Y/N decided to leave and before Masquerade came and beat it everyone?

Dan: Yeah. He ruled the game that time, until he dropped the ball and never picked it up again.

Drago: So, this is something similar to Y/N's situation?

Dan: Yeah, something similar. Yeah, Shun, Y/N, and I were the best friends ever, though Y/N was more like the big brother. Everytime me and Shun fought, Y/N always knew how to make us be friends again.

Meanwhile, Y/N was in his room as Leonidas had asked the same question and he was explaining similar to Dan.

Y/N: And when bakugan started to come up, we were the ones to create the law and make the rules. Until Shun started to suddenly leave us and everytime he was more distant.

He then sighs before continuing.

Y/N: I guess it all started when Shun's mother went to the hospital.

Back with Shun he was silently staring at the full moon.

Skyress: Shun, I wish you wouldn't beat yourself up over this

Shun kept staring at the moon as he recalled the time his mother was with him.


Shun was in a hospital as his mother was in a bed.

Shun: Mom, how do you feel?

Shun's mom: Shun.

Shun: Yes?

Shun: Could you go to the house and get my purse? I have something for you that I think you might like.

Shun: But, I don't-

Shun's mom: Please go get it.

Shun: But, I don't want anything.

Shun's mom: *smiles* Yes, I know. But sometime a mother wants to give her son a gift just because she loves him. Please go home and bring me my purse.

Shun: All right...

Shun then exits the room and walks through the hall.

Shun: *thoughts* I wish she would worry less about me, and look after herself more. She does almost everything for me, and now, when she needs me the most, she still worries a lot for me. Darn, I feel so useless.


Shun had already arrived to his house as he had the purse on his hand as he then received a video call and when he answers he sees his grandfather.

Shun's grandpa: Shun, stop goofing off and come back here! Things are gonna change, under my house rules.

Shun's eyes widen as he inmediately ran out of the house.

Shun: No! He's not the boss of me!


Shun found himself in the roof of parking place facing Dan and Y/N as he encountered them on his way and challenged Dan.

Dark Brawler(Bakugan x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now