If and Only

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Niall's P.O.V.

"And what exactly do we need to do?"

"You will agree to help us all of you and protect the lads too. You promise you won't give my location to the head peacekeeper and you won't turn them in. " I look at all of them and bite my lip. It's just me alone as Luke crossed to their side already behind Lou. I sigh and look down I love Louis id do anything for him, even if it meant treason and my death in the end.

"Fine..... I agree. " He smiles and hugs me tightly and I smile at this missing his body against mine.

"Now will you please explain why we are doing this crazy thing. "

"Sure, come on over here. " He says and I walk towards a table as does the rest of the group now if you will.

"So the peacekeeper found my blood and Zayn's well no biggie. As long as he finds yours and Luke's too. "

"Say what now?"

"Well if he finds your blood too what does that say? you have all been there you could've broken in perhaps the glass pierced all your skin leaving behind evidence that you in fact broke into the house since it was broken into about a month ago isn't that right Zayn?"

"That's correct. " He says behind Lou and I bite my lip.

"So we're covering the fact that he beat you up basically? and why that?"

"Stockholm syndrome. " Harry mumbles and I make a face.

"Fucking what?" I say looking at Lou dead in the eye.

"Yeah you never said anything about love on the phone. "

" I'm sorry, but Harrys right....... I kinda just fell. "

"What about Jaymi? he was the love of your life and HE killed him like nothing. That doesn't bother you at all. Lou look you've been corrupted by them I know, but it doesn't mean you can't be brought back. Just...... just come back to us Lou. "

"No, no! I'm not going back! I'm never going back. Don't you understand? I'm happy here with them. I've never been royal Ive never been anything now, I'm a somebody, I belong here with Harry. "

"So what? you're dead now? you just runaway with Harry somewhere else and get married. Whoopty fucking Doo? no no! that's not how this works do you even listen to yourself sometimes? it makes absolutely no sense! so if you want to save their lives and come out and say you've been lost in the woods and we can go along with the stupid plan of breaking into rich boys house fine. But if and only you come back to us and everything goes back to the way it was. "

"I can't..... I-I can't back to him Niall. Can't you understand that, you were the one who wanted me to get away from my father. "

"Yes I did but not with them with me!"

"What?" I sigh and do a 360 around the room and look back at Lou who looks utterly confused.

"Niall, I love you. I always have I always will so protecting your new 'friends' I understand what I don't understand is why....... why you're turning into them now. I'm sorry, but I won't help you if you don't come back with me. "

"You won't help us?" he asks breaking my heart. I fell the tears threatening to fall and shake my head

"I refuse to. "

"That's fine. " I hear behind me and next thing I know I'm out for the count.

Luke's P.O.V.

"Hey! what the fuck!" I yell as Zayn knocks Niall out with a bucket to the head. He's out cold and crashes to the ground but Zayn scoops him up and places him on the couch the other one Liam I think begins to tie him down with some string.

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