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Louis's P.O.V.

"What do you mean no? I've lived with you ever since I was a child though!"

"I know, look I... me and your mother-"

"Is that my real mother?!!?!?"

"Yes.... well no.... kinda... it's complicated. "

"Oh it seems pretty clear to me that you've lied to me all these goddamn years! all that shit I've taken.... all this I've gone through everything I've done for you.... and you aren't even my father! who the hell are you?!!?"

"I am your father! you just don't have my blood coursing through your bloodstream. "

"Well then, who's my real father?!"

"His name is Jason lee Austin. He's a professor in philosophy and he lives in New York in east egg. He's 37 years old and he doesn't know you exist. " the tears flood my eyes at this. He's so young and he knows nothing about me.

"How do you know all of this?"

"I've kept an eye out all these years in case this even happened. Where I would have to tell you and you'd want to go search for him. "

"I didn't want it so you couldn't find him. " He continues

"What happened to me?"

"Well your parents were young when you were born. I knew your mother and father awhile back, me and you mother had an affair behind your fathers back, you might be mine we never found out but she claims it's his, anyways we met during a meeting I had at your fathers college he teaches at. I was going to start college but I ended up not having enough tuition so I didn't attend and it's the reason I ended up the way I did. I loved your mother very much, but she chose your father over me and our little affair ended just like that. He bought a house by Long Island and your mother and them moved away from London because he transferred colleges and I never heard from them again. About a year later your mother called me up and told me about you, your father.... he and her just werent ready. I didn't know if I was ready either me and lily wanted a nice place together and I had just married her I wasn't sure if we were tied down enough to raise a child together. So when she told me she wanted me to take you off her hands I refused, I soon found out she was out here since your father left her for a younger girl at his college go figure. This women came to me begging for forgiveness, but I couldn't forgive Johannah like that so I told her to leave and she did. The next morning I found her body mutilated and raped in the back of our house. Somebody had done it to her about a mile down and left her body there to look like I had committed the crime. Luckily my fingerprints werent on her, I don't know if they ever found her killer, but I felt terrible. I did t know what she did with you so I checked every agency I could find and I finally tracked you down. I adopted you immediately and renamed you after my name and took you in as my own. Your mother lily loved you right away. So when she finally passed away it was hard. You know how it was, you were there. " He says breaking finally at the end of this gripping the silver band he wears still and rolling it back and forth the tears threatening to fall

"You have to understand I hid this for your own good. I didn't want you to think you were just some nothing, because to me and your mother you were everything, our little savior. "

"Yet you did all you did to me. "

"I was upset! your mother, she loves you more she ever loved me. When she was gone I despised you I'm sorry my son, it was wrong I know that now please forgive me. "

"How could you! not tell me until now I'm 19 years old! after everything and you just-" I stop breaking down kicking the chair I was sitting in and begin to pace stopping in the corner of the room. He gets up from his seat and walks over to me.

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