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Zayn's P.O.V.

I feel myself getting buzzed as I down another shot.

"One more to make it even. " I say to the bartender who nods and slides another glass to me as I swallow and throw my head back the alcohol sliding down my windpipe burning my throat and sigh happily I have to admit getting drunk is pretty damn fun! Harry grabs my shoulder

"Hey zee switch your flirting on and kick it in overdrive we just found you your soul mate. " Haz slurs and I figure what the hell. I wipe my face riding it of alcohol and nod.

"Right.... over.... there. " He say and point towards- whoa. I see a single white light shimmering right smack on top. My eyes widen hugely and I drop my shot glass. It shatters to the ground but all I hear is this familiar song playing in my head as I just stare I tell myself to stop but I just can't enough the sight it's to much. I feel like if I don't go and talk I'm gonna explode I need to know this beautiful creature.

"Wow. " I just utter and Liam nods

"He's beautiful. " I say to myself

"Yes she is. " li say and I begin to wipe myself off trying to look not drunk and smooths my hair down.

"How do I look?" I ask nervously thinking over what line to use. Li nods picking a piece of lint of my shirt and push me towards the crowd.

"Go get her. " li say and I just nod making my way over I hear Harry whistle as I makes my way through the crowd. But when I hear his whistle echo it makes me smile hugely and I almost trip and break down laughing. I try to stand up right and think I accomplish it. I finally conjure up a good enough line smooth my hair once more and clear my throat. Him and his friend is sitting down talking a drink in one hand his other one making hand gestures.

"Hi. " I say and they stop talking. The blonde laughs slightly and turns to me.

"Pr-" I throw my hand over his mouth and shake my head.

"Don't. " I say and he nods slowly as I take my hand off his mouth.

" Hi My name is..... Well whatever you call me..... and you two are?" I ask kindly as possible.

"I'm Niall and this is-" I cut him off

"It must be google..... cuz you're everything I'm searching for. " I say cheekily and the blonde just laughs inwardly looking towards the bar and the mystery boy just lifts an eyebrow

"Are you seriously hitting on me right now?"

"Well I-"

"Let me tell you something you may say you're someone else...... but I know exactly who you are. You're zayn Malik prince of Bradford in line for the throne I know. So what makes you think an asshole like yourself would land a piece of ass like mine?" he friend is cracking up and I just have owl eyes and try to think up of something to say but I can't my mind is dead.

"Hm?" he asks and I just shrug

"Cuz I'm a prince?" he scoffs

"A rich one? yes a snobby one? huh check mate. " He says and begins to walk away with his friends hand in his. I pull on his hand but he jerks it back.

"Wait don't go please!" I say and he stops in the middle of the dance floor.

"Why should I?"

"Cuz........ I want to sing to you..... I-it's something special. " I say and walk up to the minor stage right below the DJ's set up. I shout up to the DJ and he kills the music and plays the instrumental track handing me a mic and turning the spotlight on I didn't know they had on me. I clear my throat.

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