3 weeks ago

23 1 0

Harry's P.O.V.

"LOUIS?!" I shout Lou had Liam's phone the whole time..... why?!

Zayn's P.O.V.

-- 3 weeks later --

"Time to feed him. " I say and Liam groans but gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen.

"Y'know what? it's been awhile since...... things why don't we just invite him to dinner?"

"Why? so things can get messy?"

"Why not...... I'll get a hell of kick out of it wouldn't you?" he shrugs

"I don't know what I want......... But I'll invite him. We'll see what he says. "

"Good,...... cuz I'm just itching to know what the fuck is going on around here." I say to myself

"I'm gonna go for a smoke. " I say to Harry and get up heading towards my lovely garden that I tend to now. I lick my lips and look out at the world and cringe. My kingdom really is struggling its so damp and cold and well..... depressing. I guess I could keep up the act and help. I mean I hate looking at it it's just sad to know my beautiful piece of land is buried behind all this rubbish. Might as well beautify this place up to make it blend.

"SANJAY!" I yell

"Yes my lord?"

"Yeah hey I want you to round up all the maids butlers everyone really around here and tell them there's a meeting in 5 in the main hall you got it?"

"Yes master Malik. "

"Thanks. " I say and he bows and walks away towards the house.



"Hello?" I say into the phone trying to sound peppy.

"How's my little prince doing?"

"In good mum. You're checking up on me?" I say more as a question

"Yeah well I was wondering what you and your lovely princess-"

"Have you asked her to marry you yet?" My dad cuts her off and I almost throw up.

"Uh why may I ask?"

"Well...... we like it out here and all.... so we were thinking we could y'know pass down the throne to you now and move. They treat royalty...... well like royalty. It's perfect we're treated so well an they have these nice.... places to visit and live in. We like it but our obligation is Bradford of course. "

"Um..... so you're saying you want to leave Bradford in the palm of my hands like..... starting now?"

"Yes. " My eyes widen and I feel like fainting.


"Well who else would we leave it to?" I shrug even though I know they can't see me.

"Is everything okay Sanjay? cuz y'know if you aren't ready for the throne it's alright son. And if it didn't work out of course. "

"No uh me and per we..... we're good shed be ecstatic to ru- uh take care by my side as well. I'm sure of it. "

"Great! then it's settled when we come back in a year and a half probably you can take over. Ooh I'm so excited!"

"Thanks mum.... uh I gotta go the lads are actually here. Gotta be a good host."

"Okay hon we will check in later love you!"

"Love you guys too bye!" I say and hang up.


Liam's P.O.V.

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