Chapter 7

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Hey guys just wanted to say that this is the longest chapter that I have ever made. I think it’s the longest from the whole book. Hope you like it.

                                                           Chapter 7

“Will you be my girlfriend Jasmine?” that’s what he said. I thought he will never ask. Even if we don’t even know each other, but we are mates. “Yes, I will be glad to be your girlfriend.” I said and he kissed me while holding me in his strong and muscular arms. “Will you like to go on a date with me tomorrow after the ceremony?” he question. “I will gladly go on a date with you after the ceremony.” I said and kissed him and got out of his arms. After all that we all went to go to sleep. I was so tired I didn’t know how I got to my room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up and I felt some strong arms around me. I got scared because I didn’t know who it was, the only thing I could do is scream my lungs out for help. Xavier jump up and was ready to shift and kill anyone that was there. I look up and see it was some guy. Once I saw his blue eyes I remembered everything from yesterday. I relaxed and laid down in bed also breathing out roughly. “Why did you screamed my love?” he said getting in bed too. “I didn’t know who was in bed with me, I’m sorry?” I said getting upset and started to cry. ‘Why am I so emotional today?’ I thought. “Shhhh, please don’t cry my love, its ok.” He said trying to sooth me. I calmed down a little bit and I had hiccups. “Thank you babe. It’s just yesterday I didn’t have time to release my emotions and right now was a good time.” I told him and I knew he understand. “Its ok my love.” He said and I peck his lips. “I need to use the bathroom?” I said and got an answer I didn’t want right now. “No” he said. “Do you want me to wet the bed, don’t you babe?” I told him which I really have to go really bad. “It’s not my bed is it?” I gasp at his respond. I started trailing kissed down his neck and the next thing you know, he was on top of me with pitch black eyes. “Now, now, don’t do that my love or I will mate you here and then.” he said and I started tickling him. He fell to the floor with me cracking up so much that I almost fell too. “How did you know that I was ticklish?” he said getting up from the floor and dusting himself off. “Oh, now I know, thanks babe.” I said and went to the bathroom before he comes and pulls me with him in the bed again. I did my business and decided to take a shower. I turn on the water to warm and stripped out of my clothes. I got in and I started to put on my shampoo when I heard the door open. “My love.” It was Xavier what is he doing in here. “Yes” I said awkwardly. “May I take a shower with you, please?” he said and I thought about it for a while, when I finally gave in. “Yes you may.” I said and I saw the shower curtain open and then he step in the bath with me. Have I told you how sexy he is? His  6 pack, very muscular and his jet black hair falling  when the water hits it with those blue eyes of his that I can keep on looking at them  for the rest of my life, that will always look back at me with lust. ‘Oh how perfect and sexy he looks. I kept on looking down on his abs when I got to his v line and I followed it to his big friend and I have to say it’s big and ours.’ I blushed and I knew he saw me. I also bet he was looking at me as well. ‘Wait who was that?’ I said scared. ‘You will see soon my dear, you will see soon.’ With that it was gone. I was very confused. “Who were you thinking of my love?” he said worried. “Umm, I heard a voice and it told me ‘and ours’ and I told it who it was then it told me ‘you will see soon my dear, you will see?’ and with that it left.” I said with a confused voice. “Well whatever it was its gone now, right?” he said and came closer to me. “Yeah, I guess,” I said. He came even closer and pulled me towards him and he started trailing kisses from my jaw to my mark. I couldn’t hold the moan so I moan so loudly that I think Bella and little Jason heard it from where ever they are. “Stop that, that’s the worst turn on you do that when you moan and try to look so innocent.” He said groaning in pleasure I caused him. Then I felt something poke my thigh and I knew it was his big friend down there. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. “I need you.” I said. “Are you sure my love?” he said looking straight in my eyes to see if I really want this to happen. “Yes, I need you now.” I said and with that I kissed him hungrily. I then felt him get inside of me slowly. “You’re so tight.” He said groaning. It’s true this is my first time having sex. Zack and I never had sex like never, he was such a gentleman and waited for me when I’m ready.  I was planning on losing my virginity to him yesterday but everything changed, so here I am losing my virginity to my mate. I felt him come in and out slowly but after a while he started to speed up a little in each thrust. We were making out which made it much hotter in here especially when we are in a shower. “I’m going…” I said. “Don’t release until I tell you too, I’m not there yet.” He said and kept thrusting. I couldn’t hold it so I released the cumm, but then I had another organism. This time I hold it longer than the last time. “When I mark you again, I will tell you when to release.” He said and bite my mark again, once he finished he licked it clean and he whisper. “Now.” When he said that I released it and then I felt something warm in me and I knew it was his sperm. I really didn’t care if I get pregnant as long it’s his I’m fine with it. We both pull away from each other and I couldn’t stand up but thank goodness that he caught me before I hit the floor. We were both breathing hard, I rested my head in his chest and close my eyes for a little bit. We finished taking a shower and the voice came back again. ‘We finally did it, we mated.’ I thought. ‘Yes you did.” That voice again. ‘Can you tell me who you are, pretty please?’ I begged the voice to tell me. ‘I did say you will see soon and you will be patience my dear.’ And again it left. “Hello is anyone there?” Xavier said whilst waving his arms in front of my face. “Ohh, sorry the voice came back and still won’t tell me who it is.” I said annoyed. “It took you 5 minutes, come on and let’s get you changed and go down stairs to eat breakfast.” He said and that was what we did. ~~~~~~In the dining room~~~~~~~ “I knew you too would not last a few hours without finishing the mating process.” Bella said when she walked in the dining room with Jason behind her. “H...How did you know? Did you heard all that noise?” I said blushing that they heard everything naughty what we were doing. “Uhh, yeah, it was so noise, and plus you smell a lot like my brother right there.” She said pointing to Xavier. “It’s good that you can smell me in her, so every male can tell she’s mine and only mine.” He said putting me in his lap and holding me protectively. “Well, I made you all some breakfast, eat up I know you all are hungry from doing all that exercise.” She said and winked at me and passed us the plate full of pancakes, eggs, toast bread and my favorite of all BACON. I can smell bacon miles away from me that is how much I love bacon. I finished eating my breakfast and I washed my plate and every bodies plate also. Once finished I went to the living room and turn on the TV. I was flipping through channels and saw nothing good so I turned it off.  “What are we going to do today?” I asked Bella who was just walking in. “We are going to know each other more, if that is fine with you?” she said and the others came in too. Xavier stood me up and then he said down with me in his laps. “Yeah its fine, how am I going to have a mate that I don’t know much about.” I said and everyone was laughing. “Well then we are going to play 20 questions.” “Ok, Xavier you go first.” She said and he stayed quiet for a while. “Favorite color?” he said. “Let’s see I love dark colors, what about you?” I told him. “Blue, what’s your favorite color sis?” he asked his sister. “That’s easy, it’s black, it matches anything. “ She said and that was so true. “What about you Jason.” I said. “I like the color blue.” He said and he said it so cute that I just had to say, aww. “What is your favorite food?” I asked the question. “I love bacon.” I said and Xavier was laughing. “What’s so funny?” I told him. “You love bacon and that was the reason there wasn’t any left when I wanted some more.” He said “Ops, sorry about that it’s just that I love bacon so much.” I said shyly that there was no bacon felt for him. “Well now we know to have extra bacon just in case you eat it all.” Bella said teasingly. “Well my favorite food is ice cream.” Little Jason said. “Mine is chocolate mint ice cream.” Bella said. “It’s your turn.” I told Xavier. “Favorite band?” he said totally skipping the last question. “That’s really hard, umm, let me think…. Its Avenged Sevenfold.” I said. “Omg, that is my favorite one too.” Bella said. “Mine is Papa Roach.” Little Jason said. I looked at him like I was in love with him. “Omg, I love you Jason, that is my other favorite band too.” I said excitedly. “Well mine is Nirvana.” Xavier said. I can’t believe they like that same songs as I do. I looked at him and he knew what I was going to say. “Let me guess, it also your favorite band.” He said reading my mind. ‘Well I can.’ I heard his voice in my head.  ‘Is that you?’ I said. ‘Yes it’s me Xavier.’ He said. ‘How did you did that?’ I said. ‘Well we do have a mate mind link.’ He said and I forgot all about it. ‘Oh, that’s right I forgot about that.’ I said and went back on what we were doing and blocking him out. “Why did you block me for?” “Because we are doing something and you didn’t answer my last question.” I said. “Which one?” “Favorite food?” “Oh, yeah sorry, it’s a stake and second is a pizza I guess.” He said finally answering the question and now we can keep on going. “You’re turn?” I told Jason. “Favorite animal?” he said, that is so easy. “Mine is a wolf because they look so cute when they are cubs.” Bella said. “Mine is a wolf too.” Xavier said. “Mine too is a wolf.” Jason said. I wanted to tease them so this is what I said. “My favorite animal is a fish because they are so cute.” I said and I saw them looked at me weird, like I didn’t say that. “Why a fish?” Xavier said frowning. “Cause I love them, got a problem?” I said rising my eye brow at them. “No, No it’s ok if you like a fish.” Bella said. I couldn’t hold it anymore so I started to laugh like a maniac. “Yo….you shhhhh…should h...h...have seen you al...lls face. It was p…priceless.” I said between my laughs. I stopped laughing because I saw their serious face that told me it was not funny. “That is not funny Jas.We are serious what’s your favorite animal?” she said too serious. I sight because they do not know how to have a little joke once in a while. “My favorite animal, this time for reals, is a wolf, the wolf for me represents the freedom and the kindness and love they have for each other which is not what I had in my family. I was always the different one. The one that have to do everything for them. The one that they treated like a piece of shit. The one with a different dad that was never there for me when I needed him. The one that never protect me from my beating family especially my bitch of a mother. The one that was never loved until Zach saved me from my horrible past. The one that helped me keep on going when I wanted to die and never live again. But that all changed that day my best friend and Zach the bitch cheated on me behind my back. Ashley was also there for me, she was my very first friend when I was rescued.” I said and started to cry. I have never told anyone about my past, my horrible past that I don’t want to look back at. Xavier hold me tight and I was glad cause I need him here until I forget about everything that happen in my past and last night. Last night is part of my past now and I will never look at it back, if I do it will remind me that he was never worth it and Ashley, my ex-best friend. Everyone stayed quiet until I stopped crying and we continued. They insisted to stop the questions but I wanted to keep on going. ”Aww, my poor baby was crying. I will hold you tight and give you a kissy kiss. ”Xavier said as if I was a child I got pissed. Nobody calls me a baby cause that’s what they called me in my past. I was always a baby because I will cry for everything. “Do not call me a baby again, I’m not a baby I’m an adult FYI I’m 18 and that is not a baby.” I said still pissed. “Damn your 18, you’re a little young but age don’t matter.” Xavier said. “Wait how old are you?” I told him getting confused. “I’m 23 years old.” He said. “That’s not bad we are only 5 years apart.” I said and he nodded. “But you don’t look like you are 23?” I told him. “Well, werewolf age slower than humans do.” He said. “Oh, I didn’t know that, but now I know.” I said and everyone nodded. “Well I think it’s time to get changed for the ceremony?” Bella said looking at her watch. Once everyone agreed, we all went to our separate ways except for Bella and I, we went to my room.  We put our dresses that we bought and she told me to sit down in the chair in front of my hair dresser. Once I sat down I saw a whole bunch of stuff that I didn’t know what they were. “What are all these stuff Bells?” I said picking up one of the stuff off the table. “These are some makeup and hair product, some are really hard to find so I bought several so I won’t have to find them when I run out.” She said and started doing my hair curly. Once she finished doing my hair she went straight to my makeup. I felt like a clown, I don’t use all of these things. The only thing I use is eyeliner, mascara and lipsticks. That is all but she put a whole bunch on. Once we were all finish we looked at ourselves in the mirror I have in my wall. I have to say we both look smocking hot any guy will be at our feet begging for us. I smiled at that thought but Bells snapped her fingers in my face. “Let’s go it is already 2:30.” She said. “We took 5 hours to get ready?” I said shocked. “Yes, and it was worth it, we look hot.” She said and winked at me. We locked our arms together and started walking down stairs were the boys are waiting for us. The boys heard us and they got up quickly. “You know we are…..” Xavier stopped mid-sentence when he saw me. He had his mouth wide open. I smirked and I shut his mouth. “Shut your mouth or you will get flies.” I said and kissed his cheek. “We should go, we are 2 hours late for the ceremony?” Bella said and Jason took her mother in the car. Xavier extend his arm for me to lock our arms together and headed towards the limousine he had in front of my house. I was surprised that he will get this just to go to a ceremony. Xavier and Jason had a black tux on and the matching colors of our dresses. Jason had his mother’s color in his bow And Xavier had mine in his bow also. That look stunning, I have to have to say. “Xavier did you know that Jasmine can sing beautiful like an angel has fallen from heaven.” She said imagining me falling from heaven. “Oh really why don’t you sing for us?” he said smiling at me and turned on the radio. 21 Guns by Green Day came on and I sang the whole song for them. Once I finished the song they were clapping for me. “How did you learn how to sing like an angel, Luna?” Jason said. “Yeah tell us how did you get that beautiful voice of yours?” Xavier said. “Well I was taking singing lessons, which I don’t need any more.” I said. “How come?” Jason said. “Because I already have a beautiful voice and I don’t need no more lessons, my old singing teacher said that I was a natural at singing.” I told them the reason why I don’t need singing lessons. Xavier had a huge smile and we knew he had a plan, but for what. “We are here.” Bella said excitedly. She hadn’t talk ever since she said I sing like an angel, I wonder why. Which I know I sing beautiful, I want to be a famous singer or at least something to do with helping animals probably a mammalogist that person that only studies on mammals. I don’t know yet, life never ends so I have a lot of time to plan my future, put not too long. We all got out of the limo and I looked at the huge place this is and that the ceremony is ready to begin. I’m so nervous that I started shaking. Xavier tangles his hands in mine and I calm down a little bit. I see that there are a lot of people here about 500 or more. I don’t like big crowds because of my past, but I didn’t let that back me down. A beautiful young women and young men comes and greets us especially me. “Hello Alpha, it’s nice to see you again, and right on time I was about to call you to see if you were ok and on the way.” The young handsome guy said. “Beta Louis this is my mate Jasmine. Jasmine this is my Beta Louis.” Xavier introducing me to his Beta. “It’s nice to meet you Luna.” He said shacking my hand. “Please call me Jasmine.” I insisted. “Very well, I like you to meet my mate.” He said. “Karely, can you come and meet your Luna.” He told his mate that was walking towards us. “I’m coming babe.” She said. “Karely meet our Luna Jasmine. Luna Jasmine meet my mate Female Beta Karely.” He said introducing me to her with so much love, she was so beautiful, they make such a cute couple. “It’s nice to meet you Luna.” “Please call me Jasmine.” I told her while shaking her hand. “Very well, shall we start the ceremony, everyone I ready and waiting for us.” She said and we headed towards the side of the stage were the stairs are at. I saw at all the people there and I was getting so nervous that Xavier held my hand and I calmed down. His parents I think were in the stage starting the ceremony. “Shall we begin.” He said. “Well come home son and who is this beautiful young lady here?” the guy said loud enough were everyone can hear and looking at me then at his son. “Everyone this is my mate Jasmine and your new Luna.” He said were everyone clapped except for some sluts and hoers I think. I think they showed me some ugly faces but I didn’t care about them right now. “Now, now quiet down. I know I’m backing down as Alpha today and my son is taking the Alpha position with his Luna beside him.” He said and I can see Xavier’s face brightens when his father mention him taking the role as Alpha finally. “Do you Xavier Jameson accept as Alpha of the Bloody Moon Pack. To protect and lead this pack and always put pack first?” his father said. “I do.” Xavier said proudly. “Do you Jasmine Rosabelle accept as Luna of the Bloody Moon Pack, to protect, care and lead this pack and always put pack fist?” he said. “I do.” I said and Xavier smiled at me proudly. He then went straight to the Betas and Gammas. “Say hello to your new Alpha Xavier, Luna Jasmine, Beta Louis, Female Beta Karely, Gamma Robert Smith, and Female Gamma Rose Smith.” John, Xavier’s father said and again everyone cheered. The old Alpha’s, Beta’s and Gamma’s had cut their wrist and so did we. Alpha to Alpha had put their cuts together, me and the old Luna, Betas with Betas and Gammas with Gammas. I started to get this huge pain all over my body in me. I fell to the floor and screamed, Xavier came right by my side and said some words that I thought will never happen to me. “She’s shifting, get out of the way!” he said screaming in his Alpha voice for everyone to get out of the way. He ran towards the woods and put me down on the ground not letting my hand go. I heard some cracking and he was whispering soothing things in my ear to try to ease the pain. I had finally shifted and I heard everyone gasp. “You’re beautiful.” Xavier said and ran his hand in my fur. “I told you, you will see soon.”


Hey guys this was a long one. What color d you think she is? Does anyone know why she shifted? Is it from her past (Family) or is it because she mate and became Luna? You will see in the next chapter that is coming soon. Comment, like, Share I will appreciate it.

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