Chapter 12 Part 2

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Chapter 12 Part 2

Xavier's P.O.V

"Hey Karely, can you come with me and get Jasmine a ring? I

want to propose to her to be my wife." I said proudly. "OMG, you are going to

marry her, I will love to go but who will distract her." She said excitedly and

I smiled at her. I knew she will say yes. "I don't know yet. She probably can

find something to do when we are gone." "Well we can say that we have a meeting

with an Alpha. Louis can't come because he is sick, so I have to go with you.

And then we can go search for the perfect ring for her and some clothes for

both of you to wear in the date." She said as she had already planned it ahead

of time. "Karely you are a genius. You always have something already for

everything. That is why I love you as my Female Beta." I said and saw her

blush. Jasmine came in the kitchen right on time but not before I heard her

brag again. "I'm so fat." She said. Oh boy not again. I thought.  "You're not fat love, it is only the pup

growing inside of you. Never ever say that again." I said annoyed that she will

always say that about her every day. "He's right Jasmine, it is only your pup

growing." Karely said and I was glad she can back me up on this. "But I'm

gaining like 5 pounds a day and I will still be fat even if I already have the

pup." She said. Yeah she is always like that. It's always her emotions all over

the place. Last time she yelled at a cat because it was in the yard and a

squirrel that are everywhere. It is so crazy, but I still love her even when

she gives me a hard time and double work every day.  "Ok whatever you say love. Let's go Karely."

I said and kissed her good bye. 'I'm going to some meeting with an Alpha. Louis

is sick so Karely has to come with me.' I mind-link her, she said ok and I

blocked her out. It pained me to lie to her but it is worth it. We got in the

car and I mind link Louis just in case if Jasmine goes and check on him.

'Louis, act as if you are sick if Jasmine goes by. I'm going to get a ring for

her.' I said. 'Congrats bro and sure I will.' He said and I blocked him. We

arrived at the mall and headed towards the Jewelry store. "So, you have

anything planned yet?" Karely said. "Nope." I said popping the 'p'.  "What. You know I'm going to plan everything

with some help of my girlfriends." She said and called them, every time she tells

them what I'm going to do they squeak excitedly. 'Girl will always be girls.' I

thought shacking my head. "Where are you going to propose to her?" she said as

she finished talking to the girls. "Somewhere in the woods... How about in the

meadow where there is a lake close to the pack house." I said. We were finally

in the jewelry sore and there was so many rings, it's hard to choose and to

know the right one was hard. I don't know nothing about rings not as the girls,

which is why I choose Karely come, she is an expert on choosing the perfect

rings. "How may I help you?"  The worker

said. "Hi, I'm looking for a ring so I can propose to my girlfriend?" I said

still looking at the rings. "Congratulations, is this your girlfriend?" the

worker said pointing at Karely whose eyes are wide. "No, she is my sister and

she is helping me choose the one." I said mentally laughing in my mind. "Oh

sorry, what do you like to see." The guy said. "Can I see this please?" Karely

said pointing at a ring but put it back. I then spotted one. "How about this

Karely?" I said showing her the ring. "That's perfect." She said jumping up and

down. "Really!" I said. "Yeah, see you are not bad at all." She said playfully

punching me in the arm and I chuckled. It was gold with a big diamond in the

middle with smaller diamonds on the side of the bigger one. "I'll get this

one." I said and went to the cash register. "It's going to be $3,500." He said

and I thought it was going to be much more expensive but I guess not. "Here you

go sir and good luck." He said. "Thanks." I said and left the store. We then

headed toward some other stores to get some clothes to wear for our little date.

We were back at the pack house and headed towards the meadow were I will

propose to her. I have to say it looked beautiful. There was a table with a

candle in the middle and surrounded by a heart shaped rose pedals around it.

There was music playing in the back ground and some colorful lights above us.

Karely said we should head back and get the clothes and tell Jasmine to get

ready. I told her to get ready and I will pick her up at 8 and headed towards a

little house next to the pack house where I will get ready. Louis was there to

help me get ready. I got in the shower and changed in to my tux that matches

Jasmines dress. It was black and red, since that is one of Jasmine's favorite

color. Louis helped me put my tie and jacket on. I put gel on my hair and

messed with it until I was satisfied. The clock read 7:50 p.m. so I went to the

pack house where she was at and waited for her in the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey bro, the place is ready." Louis said. "Thanks." I said. "No problem.

Anything for my best friend and Luna." He said and I was glad to have him here.

"No thank you and Karely. Without y'all this wouldn't have been ready or

anything." I said and I man hugged him and he did the same. "No problem bro. we

have your back." He said. I looked up and I see her coming down the stairs. I

see her smile with her eyes twinkling and I smiled back. That dress looked so

perfect on her even hotter, when she is pregnant with my heir.


What do you guys and gals think will happen in the date? Will she say yes or


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