Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


  "Mother told me you died before I was born, she told me so many bad things about you. That she made me ate you for everything that has ever happen to me." I said remembering my past I escaped a year ago. "What happen?" He growled his eyes turning red. "I-I was.." 


"I-I was brutally beaten, raped, bullied everyday. mother never care about me, she always said I was a disgrace to her and her family. I had a little brother that I adore. Gosh I miss him so much. He was killed one day when I took him to a walk in the woods. I didn't know there would be wolves as huge as bears. Back then I didn't know nothing about werewolves, vampire and so on. She kept me in the dark this whole time. I wasn't allowed to live with her so she made this small house for me away from her. Everyday someone comes and does anything they wanted. Not until I met my ex-boyfriend, Zack. He helped me with a lot. Anyways as I was saying, my mother blamed me for his death and I couldn't take the pain anymore so I told Zack I was running away. He said he was going with me, so we ran away and we got together. I went to school graduated high school and college. I am a vet in the zoo, I had a best friend since middle school. She came to visit everyday and all." I said and my dad just listen not interrupting at all. I was glad to get this off my chest once and for all. 

"What do you mean ex-boyfriend and had a best friend?" he growled and his eyes turning a little red. I got his hand and gave him a squeeze. "He cheated on me with my best friend when I was getting some dogs. Which turned out to be werewolves. Lets just say it was  my ex-mate, his sister and nephew." I recalled the memory ans just shook my head. "I will kill both of them." he hiss ending with a chuckle at the end. "So you found your ex-mate as a dog. This is something new and hilarious. Was he a cute pup?" He laughed loudly and I laughed with him and it died down with both of us with a sigh of contentment. "I'm glad your here and that I do have a father that is alive and not dead just like my mother told me." i said, he then looked at me and gave me his best Hollywood smile. "Me too, now lets talk about who is after you and who killed your last mate?" he seriously said. "He is the one that I told you cheated on me with my best friend." I said a little to quickly. 

"Do you know where they might be or anything?" He asked thinking. He frowned his eyebrow and he looked so cute and I smiled at that thought. "What are you smiled about?" He said and frowned his brows even more. "Oh nothing just how cute you look when you frown that's all, and no I don't know were they might be. "Cute I am not cute, I am a sexy strong beast not cute." He said and puffed his chest out. "Yeah right." Someone said and we turn around to see Malia there laughing, I laughed with her and I fell off where I was sitting. My father gets up and started to stalk towards us like a predator would to their prey. I got up and both Malia and I said in union, "Run!" We ran but didn't make it too far and my father tackles her to the ground ticking her. "Tell me I'm not cute, I'm a sexy tong beast." I heard him tell her. She said it back quickly and turned to me. "Run for your life and don't look back." She said in between laughs. I did as she told me to do  and ran.

 Trying to find Alex to save me from being tickled to death. I finally found him and hid behind him. He gives me a weird look before my father comes looking around until he spotted me. He grins evenly and then he did the unexpected, he turned my mate against me.  "Your mate told me so much about you. She said you were so "cute" when you do that thing you do in the bathroom when taking a shower. What was it oh yeah. Singing in the shower." He said and my mate tensed up and turn around and looked at. "Cute you think I'm cute. Well my mate, I for once am not cute, I'm a greek god of a mate not cute." He said and i gasped, my father did not. "Oh its going to be like this father. Two can play the same game." I said and his mate  walked beside me and we hooked our arms together. "Yeah this means like a challenge.  Of a water fight." My step mother or should I say the Moon Goddess say. "Challenge accepted. War starts as 2 p.m. Loser have to do what ever the winner wants." Alex says with a grin. "Deal and if you loose mate your sleeping in the couch tonight." I said and headed out to get things ready with Malia following behind. 

"Looks like your father and you are  bonding so well than I thought it was." She mentioned a little surprised. "Yeah it was. Now lets get ready to beat so ass." I said and I gather some more girls to join us. "Lets get all the water guns, balloons and anything else we might need to show them girls rule and boys drool.I In the count of one.. two.. three," I said quietly so one can hear but us. "Girl Power!!!" We all shouted in union and gather everything that we need to win this war. 


Wow things went well. Hello guy I am back to my writing routine. Hope it stays this way.So what do you think about this book is going so far. How about this chapter. Will the girls win or the boys? There will be one more person coming soon maybe in the next chapter. 

I will change the characters and I need some help choosing them. Comment bellow and tell me which character should be who or message me.

See you guys next time.

My dogs changed my life! (Rewriting)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz