Author Notes

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Hey guys. I am really really sorry I have not updated in a long time. *sigh* I really dont feel like writing this story. *hides behind Xavier* Im really sorry maybe i will get this story finished or nah. Tell me what you guys think. Should i continue or not. * looks at Xavier for an answer. * "Dont tell me tell your readers. Im just a character in the story. But i do want to know what happens to me and my mate." Xavier says wigiling his eye brows. "Oh shut it Xavier." I say. Well its all up to you guys to let me know if you want me to continue. "Say bye Xavier." "Bye stay beautiful. I hope you say yes but i dont think this lazy ass will not want to continue. " Xavier says and runs off before i beat him up. "I am not lazy im just reserving energy." I say and chase him around. Well bye stay awesome my peeps. Xavier is on the side.

My dogs changed my life! (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now