Chapter 2

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                      Chapter 2 (Rewritten)

Hey guys I'm back. Hope you like the book so far.


I finally named all my dogs and I couldn't be happier. I was driving in town toward the pet shop to buy everything I needed for them. I was only prepared to get one dog not three so I had to get more supplies. I parked my car in a parking space near the shop, got out took the dogs on the leashes they provided me, and entered the store. The store was full of different things, I didn't know where to start. Well, first things first they need new collars and leashes the ones they have on are not the best quality and they look like they might rip if they tug in it more. I went to the leash aisle and looked at their different colors and designs. There are so many I can't decide what to get. I did get a black one that I can put on Onyx when I get home so I only need one for Mika and Koda. I saw a cute pink collar and leash that has some gems for Mika. Beside it was a red one that was big enough that Koda could grow into it. Onyx is so cute he's fully black with some white on his chest, and his eyes are so light blue that you can get lost in them. Koda is black and brown with mysterious brown eyes. Mika is light brown with a cream color on her chest and her two front paws. 

After I got their collars and matching leashes I headed to the toy section. "You can get two toys each," I told them. With that, they got toy balls, squeaky toys, and some bones they can chew on. A guy who I assume is named Preston judging from his badge walked towards me and asked," Hello, do you need any help in look familiar. Did we take a class together? I could've sworn you and I had chemistry. " he said cheesy. "Um... no we didn't have chemistry together, plus I don't know you umm. Preston. Is that your name?" I said while I was adding the toys to my basket. "Oh well, can I have your number," he said confidently like he was about to get lucky. "Umm...No" I obnoxious said trying to move away from him. He blocked my way and tried to grab my arm but before he could my dogs started growling and barking at Preston. Preston backed away and went back to what he was doing. "Thank you," I told the dogs as we continued to shop. Before leaving I talked to the manager about the encounter with their employee Preston and we got free dog treats and a $15 gift card. They did fire the guy on the spot since this wasn't the first time he did this. 

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