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The party was in a skyscraper near the Empire State Building, on the first floor. When Helen and Dean reached the place there were so many luxurious cars she realized she was so out of place.

Derek was rich, but Dean was richer. While Derek was probably one of the top five millionaires worldwide, Dean was top three billionaires. It was inconceivable for Helen.

Inside, the place was simple but pretty. There were long tables with food and drinks along the walls. The art gallery was in another room with tall doors spread open for the people to visit when they wanted to throughout the night.

Dean kept his hand on Helen's waist, trying to hold her as close as possible. He glanced at one of the tables. "You want something to drink?" he asked, giving her a quick look. Every time his eyes caught her features he felt as though the world disappeared and there was just her.

Helen looked up at him and politely smiled. "Yes, thank you," she told him.

He briefly nodded and went to grab a couple glasses of pink champagne. While he was gone, Helen looked around. There were guards in all four corners of the room, two more at the doors of the gallery, two at the entrance, and a couple more just wandering around the room. And then, there he was. The third deadliest assassin, the third serpent, the Python: Isaac Evans.

Helen had been able to see him once two years ago while on a mission as a sniper. He hadn't been her target, but he was walking by as she was aiming. From the distance, she could tell he was handsome. Seeing him up close made her understand that she hadn't been wrong. He was handsome, very. Not as much as the Cobra, but handsome nonetheless. With brown hair and eyes a mix of pine green and sea blue, a built figure and a strong jaw, Isaac Evans was staring back at her.

He didn't know who she was. He couldn't. There was no way. She let herself take a breath, which she ended up choking on as he started walking towards her. His pace was fast but elegant. And his eyes hungry.

Helen wanted to start running, and she looked around, trying not to look suspicious, for any kind of escapism. Any. But the more she sought, the more he got close, until there was no way out. Isaac was standing in front of her, a white teethed smile welcoming her. Damn her, he was handsome. "Good evening, Ms. You are?" he asked, his voice calm and rocking. What a piece of shit. Acting all polite and kind.

Helen forced a smile on her mouth, trying to keep her hands from punching him in the guts and strangle him with his intestines. "Helen Grace Donovan, Mr...?" she purposely hesitated on his name, implying the insult.

Unfortunately, Isaac didn't seem bothered. Or if he was, he was damn good at hiding it. "Isaac Evans, Ms. Donovan. Are you here alone?" In other words, how did you get an invitation without being at least a famous millionaire.

Still, Helen kept her smile. "I'm here with-"

"She's with me," a voice behind Isaac said. Helen didn't need to see to know who'd spoken. Dean brushed against Isaac and gave him a stern look. He stood next to Helen and slid his arm around her waist. Alright, Warren. Alpha energy, Helen thought, holding back a laugh. What was next? He was going to piss on her foot to claim her? Ew, Helen. That's disgusting. Yes, it really was.

Isaac looked him up and down. Dean was one or two inches taller than Isaac, and he kept his chin high so that he could look him even from higher above. This was embarrassing, Helen stated in her mind. "I see. She is quite beautiful, Warren."

"She is, Evans." Dean was this close to end this asshole's life once and for all. They'd always hated each other. Always been opponents and enemies.

Helen rolled her eyes. "You guys know that I can hear and speak for myself, right?" It was an effort to keep herself under control. Her hands itched with desire of punching Isaac's face.

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