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Tony Pov

It was New Year's Eve, Daisy was trying to stay awake for midnight but she was falling asleep and we had a good couple of hours to go until it was midnight, (though it was like 2 hours after her normal bedtime), so I just mentioned to Daisy about going to bed as she was falling asleep.

"Hey Baby, I think it's time to go to bed"
"No no, I don't wanna miss the fireworks Daddy"
"Ok Sweetheart, just let me know if you get tired, ok?"
"Ok Daddy"

Yeah so Daisy was asleep like 5 minutes later, not that I was surprised by that as she was dead tired before that, (not that she'd say that, but she was definitely tired before this), I knew that I probably should have put Daisy to bed, but she was comfortable and I knew that once I'd move to put Daisy to bed, she'd wake up.

So naturally I stayed sat on the couch with Daisy in my arms for a couple of hours, as she did really need her sleep, (regardless of how much of a big girl she thought that she was), I woke her up 5 minutes before the fireworks were due to start on the Tv, (I would never attempt to go to the bloody fireworks in London in person, as that would be a disaster waiting to happen).

"Hey Baby, are you awake?"
"Daddy, did I miss the fireworks?"
"No no Baby, you didn't miss them, they're going to start in a minute"
"Ok Daddy"

We all know that Daisy has me wrapped around her little finger, which was the reason why I had even let her attempt to stay up for midnight in the first place, (though it happened once a year, so sue me), should I have let her stay up this late?, probably not, (as she was only 5 years old), but it wasn't like we had to go anywhere for a few days, you know, (I did grow to regret that decision but that's a discussion for another day).

Anyway the fireworks go off at midnight, (as the fireworks were timed to when it struck midnight), the colours are very pretty but honestly, I don't think it's worth listening to the awfully loud noises they make, (I sound like an old man, I know), but it was worth it to see Daisy's face while watching them, (her face was full of childlike wonder), regardless of my opinion on fireworks.

The fireworks eventually finished,

"Come on Sweetheart, it's time for us to go to bed"
"Yeah Baby"
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
"Ok then Darling, (kisses temple), but you've got to go to sleep, ok"
"Ok Daddy, I love you"
"I love you too baby"

Yeah, it really didn't take long for Daisy to fall asleep, while I was just laying there, wide awake, I couldn't tell you why that was as I was really fucking tired here, (though I could've been emotionally tired rather than physically tired, which was not fun).

It was peaceful enough though, so it wasn't that it was too chaotic for me to sleep, (though that hadn't stopped me before), it was just that my body wasn't letting me sleep, (which scared me a bit if I'm being completely honest with you here), but if that meant that Daisy could sleep, then I would lay like this forever, (even if my back would be fucked from doing as such).

The sun started to rise and I was still very much wide awake here, though Daisy had slept mostly through the night, which was something that had not happened since the day her Mum left, so yeah I was actually happy that she actually slept but I guess it would not mean a lot to most people as most peoples kids sleep through the night by the time that they're Daisy's age, but fuck it I don't care, Daisy then started to slowly wake up.

"Hey Baby, how'd you sleep?"
"I sleep ok"
"I'm glad that you did Sweetheart"
"Is it time to get up yet?"
"No no Baby, you don't have to get up yet if you don't want to"
"M'kay, m' gonna go back to sleep"
"Ok Sweetheart"
"I love you Daddy"
"I love you too Baby"

Daisy then fell back asleep again, time was not passing as it would do normally, but I think that was because it was New Year's Day, and I had always found that time went weird around then, (well it felt like it did, I know that it doesn't actually change, it just seems like it does), though we didn't have to go anywhere so it was nice to just have this weirdly peaceful dip in time.

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