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Ochako Uraraka P.O.V

"Man, I miss my older sibling" I mumbled under my breath, as I was watching the other's play a video game and taking turn's on it.

"Uraraka you have a sibling?" Deku asked me, curiosity in his eyes.

"Yeah, they're name is [Y/N]" I sighed, "Can you tell us more about them?" Tsu asked, letting out a ribbet at the end.

"Yeah, sure" I smiled at the thought of [Y/N], "They're actually the number two hero!" I grinned, throwing a fist in the air.

"Woah, really Uraraka?!" Deku stuttered out, "Yeah, I'm so proud at them" I said my grin growing bigger.

"What's they're quirk wait no, what's they're origin story?" Sero asked, "Well ever since my mom and dad divorced I decided to stay with my dad, and they ended up with my mom" I sighed.

"Uraraka, I'm so sorry to hear that" Momo said politely, her lip's frown a bit, "No, it's fine really. Some times we met up for holiday's, which is why I'm looking forward for holiday's" I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Hey, Extra's. What are you doing over they're with round face?!" Bakugou asked, walking to all of us.

"She's telling us about her sibling, they're so cool, and manly!" Kirishima  exclaimed, "I bet, they're just another stupid extra" Bakugo exclaimed.

"They're actually the number two hero, Arahabaki" Tsu said ending the sentence with a ribbet, as Bakugo's eyes winded in shock, and surprise.

"Anyways, back to they're origin story I guess you could say"

- ♥ -

"[Y/N] you have to pick which one are you going to stay with" My dad's stern voice said, with his eye brows furrowed.

"Well then, I pick mom" They said, my eyes watered 'they're going to leave me' I thought to myself.

I threatened to not let my tears spill from my eye socket's, I wiped the tear away with my sleeve.

"Honey pack you're stuff and we can leave this place" Mom smiled at [Y/N], he nodded and went to our jointed room, I followed him to our room.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said, my voice barely above a whisper my eyes started to water again.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Ochako" [Y/N] said, ruffling my hair as they pulls me in for a hug. I gladly hug back as I let out a sob.

"I promise I'll go here for the holiday's" They said smiling weakly, "Do you pinky promise?" I asked, as I pull my pinky up and he connected it.

"I pinky promise" He smiled at me, I smiled back.

"We'll, see you later I guess" They said starching the nape of the nape of they're neck.

"See you" I said waving, he waved back walking out of our room, and leaving the house.

- ♥ -

"Truly what a sad story" Momo said with a tissue whipping her tear away, and Mina grabbing a tissue for her snot.

"Psh, it wasn't that sad" Bakugo said, "Oh, shut it Bakugo" Mina said, throwing her used tissue to the trash can.

"We should sleep now, its all most past curvew" Deku said, as we all agreed with him gettimg up from the couch.

Some of them went to the elevator and the others took the stairs, and went to each of they're room's.

I reached my room and went inside looking the door, as I plopped to my bed. Tears forming in my eyes and a sob or two came out of my mouth.

'I really miss you' I thought to myself, eventually falling asleep.

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