[ 9 ]

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"Thank you sir, you're order will arrive soon" She said leaving our table.

- ♥ -

[Y/N] P.O.V

While we waited for our food I decieded to bring the talk I had with him about my sistet, Ochako.

"So Dazai,"


"What exactly do you mean by 'It'll be ashamed if something happened to her'?"

"I'm just saying [Y/N] you should watch her closely, and don't take you're eye's off her"

"Soo, you want me to stalk her?" I said quirking one of my eyebrows up.

"Not like a creepy way of course, I'm just saying don't leave her alone"

"And what happens if I do exactly?"

Dazai put both of his hand's on the table and put his mouth to my ear.

"Trust me on this-" A cough cut Dazai off as we saw the waitress.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but here's the food you ordered, I'll- um leave now" The waitress said putting our food down and scurried away.

"Alright I get it, now go back to you're seat and eat"

As Dazai took a bite out of his crab his eye's glimmered.

"The review's weren't wrong they're really good" Dazai exclaimed quickly chowing down his food.

"Careful Vagabond you'll choke, actually you might like that you suicidal maniac!"

"Eat you're food before it gets cold" Dazai said while stuffing his face with more crab.

- ♥ -

"You promised me we'll only get food not wander off to a mall!" I half yelled at Dazai as he kept walking forwards ignoring me.

"Let's go back to the tower its 8 already" I said walking up to Dazai.

"You're such an asshole Dazai"

Dazai walked faster still ignoring me, I decided to put matter's to my own hands.

I kicked his back and dragged him by his arm back to the Port Mafia Tower.

- ♥ -

"Where have you guy's been it's 8:30 already" Shota said a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry Shota, Dazai just wandered off to a mall after we ate, I've told him many times to go back to the tower he just wouldn't listen"

"Well since you already ate you can go to you're room's I guess" Shota said as my mind flashes back to what Dazai said to me.

"Actually I'm going to spend some time with my dearest sister"

"Uraraka? I think she's with the girl's in the kitchen"

"Alright then I'll be heading off" I said as Shota only nodded in return.

As I walked over to the kitchen as Shota said Ochako we're there with the girl's.

The first one to notice me was Ochako than followed by the other girl's.

"Oh hey [Y/N]" Ochako said and waved at me as I wlake dover to her.

"So, what are you doing here?" Ochako said.

"I wanted to spend some time with you"

"Aww who knew that the number 2 hero has a soft spot for they're sister-" Ashido said jokingly as I glared at her.

"You can hang out with us ribbet"

"Sure I would love too"

Upon the Tainted Sorrow || Bsd x BnhaWhere stories live. Discover now