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"I was waiting for you the entire time, of course I had to look cool the entire time waiting for you"

• • •

"What the hell is wrong with you" I said groaning in annoyance.

An akward silence filled the area while we waited for all of them to come.

"Soo, what have you been up to?" Dazai asked still leaning on the wall.

"Are you seriously trying to fucking do small talk, my sister just got kidnapped!"

"I mean, what else are we going to do?"

"We could wait like I said! Stop being so impatient!"

"But it's boooringg"

"Yeah yeah, go fuck yourself!" I said giving him the finger and try to not pay attention to him.

"Come on chu-chu"

"Shut up already!"

"Aww is little chu-chu annoyed?"


"Come on chu-chu don't be so boring"









"Gosh finally you guys came, took you all forever"

"They had to change to hero costume first" Aizawa said pointing at the students.

"Let's just go already" I said following the footprints the culprit left.

"Hey don't you think it's a bit suspicious that they left foot prints here" Dazai said in a serious tone analyzing the footprints as I stopped to look back at him.

"What do you mean?"

"It looks like they purposely left them, personally I think it's a trap to lure us to wherever they want us to wander off to"

"Now looking at it there's no way they would leave such crucial evidence behind without cleaning up the evidence" I said crouching down onto the floor looking at the foot prints.

"They might be trying to frame the sheep to lure us somewhere"

"Or they we're just really sloppy with cleaning up the evidence"

"Even if they we're sloppy, they wouldn't have left such crucial evidence"

"What if they just didn't have time to cause of the sound of the glass shattering being so loud"

"That could be possible"

"But almost none of us heard the glass shatter cause all of us we're asleep only Y/N did"

"They would have cleaned up the evidence a bit"

"Yeah 'a bit' if they had cleaned ip a bit then the evidence they cleaned before would be more crucial to who the culprit is"

"Y/N!" A scream could be heard in the distance Ochako ran towards us clothes tattered and dirty, her hair messy and visible tears could be seen in the corners of her eyes.

I squinted my eyes Ochako hugging me, "You're not Ochako are you?" I said pushing her off of me. She landed on her but on the ground.

"Oww, why would you do that to your own sister?" Ochako said sobbing.

"Ochako! Why would you do that to her!" Mina said helping her to get up and dust herself off.

"She may look like Ochako but I can tell it's not her, she didn't do something that the Ochako I know would have done" I squinted my eyes at her again.

"You reek the smell of dirt and steel"

"What if she was just supposed to be chained but escaped before that!" Mina said the class whispering to each other and nodding.

"Your just being mean!" 'Ochako' said tears running down her face.

• • •

Hello guy's, gal's, and my non-binary pal's! Hope you enjoyed this chapter I didn't have time to edit this chapter since I am still busy with school. So please ignore if there is a grammar mistake or plot mistake. Cause it's been a long time since I updated!

Upon the Tainted Sorrow || Bsd x BnhaWhere stories live. Discover now