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[Y/N] P.O.V

"What?" I asked to him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Oh, really its nothing" Dazai said, as I grumbled in response.

"Now let's search for the weapons they stole from us"

Dazai and I began to search around the entire place.

"Have you found it yet?" I yelled from the further side of the room.

"No, what about you?" He yelled back.

"Obviously I haven't found it"

"I found it [Y/N]"

"Gosh, finally" I said, as I walked out of the corridor I've been searching at.

"Ready to leave?" Dazai asked holding a suitcase.

"What kind of question is that? Obviously I'm ready to leave"

- ♥ -

"I'm glad that both of you came back with weapons" Mori said with a closed eyed smile, his eyes intertwined together.

Elise seemed to be drawing with crayons on a piece of paper.

Even if Elise's just an ability Boss had always cherished her dearly.

"You are dismissed"

Me and Dazai leaved the room leaving the suitcase behind in the Boss's office.

"Today is as boring as ever." I comment, putting my hands behind my head.

"Not really, I mean we get to see Zawa and your little sister." Dazai pointed out.

I was about to say something only to be cut off with a Dazai's phone ringing.

"Hello?" He answer the call.

"Gotcha." He then ends the call.

"Come on [Y/N], apparently Musutafu needed us... Again."

"What is it again." I sigh in annoyance.

"Its actually principal Nezu."


"He said he wanted the students to learn stuff about anti-heroe's. So they're going to stay here for a weak."

"Great, they're probably gonna blab about us being villains. This is so annoying!" I whined.

"Which troublesome class are we gonna teach?"

"Class 1-A."

"Great! Of course it have to be the most annoying class! How much you're gonna bet they're gonna call everything, when I said everything I meant everything we do is an act of a villain."

"Calm down [Y/N] at least we get to see Zawa and you're little sister again."

- ♥ -

Uraraka P.O.V

"Okay class quiet down" Mr. Aizawa said as the class quieted down.

"Today we'll going to be learning about anti-heroes, and we have a special guest with us today well. Actually for the whole week" Aizawa said as he gestures for whoever was outside of the classroom to come inside the class.

To my surprise [Y/N] and his partner came in the room.

"You guys might know them as The Double Black"

"Do we have any question's?" Aizawa asked the class as Iida raised his hand.

"Mr. Aizawa, isn't that Uraraka's older sibling?" Iida said chopping the air.

Before Mr. Aizawa could say anything [Y/N] cut him off.

"Yes, yes I am"

"Anymore questions?" [Y/N] asked as the class grew silent.

Not even Deku raised his had, he usually does because, well [Y/N]'s a hero. Deku usually asks questions regarding to the said hero's quirks.

It was really suprising and quite strange to find him not muttering to himself.

"Now then, we're not actually gonna teach here." [Y/N] announced.


"You guys are going to Yokohama and stay at The Port Mafia building for a Week! How cool is that?" Dazai said.

The class went silent for a moment.


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