Tampons and Chocolate

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Title: Tampons and Chocolate
Author: athenagirl05
Site: fanfiction.net
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13680067/1/Tampons-and-Chocolate

For all of you inflicted with the curse of uterus


Annabeth lay there, squirming on the sofa, hardly able to focus on the TV show she's watching. And she loves that show, it's one of her favourites. She is in so much pain. Her fucking uterus feels like it's trying to tear itself apart, which it is. I mean come on, so what if she's not pregnant? Her body doesn't need to punish her for it. Nature is cruel. She's already taken as many painkillers as humanly possible before it's dangerous, and set the timer so that the second she can, she will take more. Her dad, step mother, and brothers had gone out, leaving Annabeth alone to writhe on the couch, squeezing her stress ball so that it's at the point of almost bursting.

"ARGH!" She screams, slamming her fists down on the sofa like a two year old throwing a tantrum. "I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS!" It's the middle of summer in San Fransisco, the middle of a horrible heat wave, and it's boiling. Seriously, Annabeth could fill up an olympic sized swimming pool with the amount of liquid coming out of her pores right now. And, of course, the air conditioners that she had dragged out of the cupboard are broken, so if she even tried to use a hot water bottle to relieve her cramps, she would melt into a puddle of lava. It's juuuust great.

She stands up and walks to the kitchen, groaning in pain with every step. She pushes a glass against the little lever that makes the ice come pouring out of the fridge, and fills it up to the brim, taking an ice cube out of the top and beginning to suck on it. Thankfully, it cools her down a little bit, temporarily at least.

As she's on her way back to the sofa, she checks the time. Ugh. She needs to change her tampon. Gotta avoid that toxic shock syndrome. She sets her glass down, and heads to the bathroom. It only takes her a second to change it, by now, she's gotten it down to a fine art. Annabeth has been getting her period once a month, for the last five years. At six days a period, and three tampons a day, she has had to change her tampon a total of one thousand and eighty times. Roughly.

After flushing the toilet and washing her hands, Annabeth decides to check the cupboard under the sink. She had just finished a box of tampons, and wanted to grab another to put on the windowsill behind the toilet. Crap. Annabeth rubs her face with her hands. Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap! That was the last box! Now she has to go to the store to buy more! I cannot stress this enough, Annabeth does not want to leave her house right now. She isn't wearing a bra, she's got one of Bobby's t-shirts on, the oldest pair of shorts she owns, and her hair is tied up in the messiest messy bun known to man.

You know what? Screw it. Annabeth thinks, going to her room and grabbing her wallet, before slipping on a pair of flip flops. She takes her dad's car keys from the bowl on the table in the front hall, and leaves the house. The second she gets in the car, she blasts the AC, fanning herself with her hand.

Annabeth pulls up in the Walmart car park. She climbs out of the car, and walks into the store. Grabbing a basket on her way in, she heads straight for the aisle with the tampons, wanting to be out of the supermarket as fast as possible. On her way to the tampon aisle, Annabeth passed the chocolate aisle, so she backtracked and went down there instead. As she's looking at all the different chocolates, trying to decide if she wants the cheap one or the good one, she hears snickering coming from somewhere to her right. She turns, and sees Connor and Travis Stoll, two guys she goes to high school with, pointing at her and whispering back and forth.

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