The Odd Case of Percy Jackson

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Title: The Odd Case of Percy Jackson
Author: MoonSilverSprite
Site: Archive of Our Own


Okay guys, this one is a little different than usual.

How so?

Because the kid came back, his mom was alive, but the whole story stinks like rotten fish.

Right. Sure.

In 2005, twelve-year-old Percy Jackson lived with his mom, Sally Jackson, in Brooklyn. The father is an unknown. Sad, same old story.

Sally Jackson said that Percy's dad had plans for him when he grew up. But the whole thing is still a little curious.

Why would a guy have plans for his son and then leave before the kid was born?

That's one of the theories, my friend. Sally Jackson later related to friends that Percy's father was lost at sea. But we have no idea on what his identity was, so that remains unknown at present.

Percy Jackson suffered from both dyslexia and ADHD and spent no longer than a year in each boarding school he was sent to by his mom. His full name was Perseus Jackson, since his mother decided that he was the only Ancient Greek hero who didn't die horribly.

(wheeze) I'm sorry, that's still a little odd. I – I can see why he goes by 'Percy'.

When Percy was only a toddler, his mother married a man named Gabe Ugliano, a supposedly distasteful man. Strangely enough, Gabe disappeared sometime after this event, but police closed his file not long after and labelled him 'deceased'.

Why? That seems – strange.

We dabble in strange, friend. Amazed you haven't worked it out already.

Odd things happened to Percy before 2005, however. When he was in third grade, he reported to his teachers that a strange man was following him. The teachers called the police and the man left before they could arrive.

Percy never stayed for more than one year in each boarding school he was sent to. In fourth grade, he pushed the wrong lever on a field trip to Sea World Shark Pool and flooded the whole trip. (wheeze) Sorry, guys. (cough) In fifth grade, Percy accidentally fired a war cannon on another field trip, which hit the school bus at the Saratoga Battlefield.

But in the summer of 2006, things definitely began to change.

After being dropped back off at home when the school year ended, Gabe Ugliano reported that Sally and Percy left in his 1978 Camaro through a hurricane. The mother and son were going to Montauk upstate, but they never got there. And believe me, that is the least of the weird events that would happen over the next several weeks.

When they didn't return, Gabe called Sally's mobile. When police started a search, they found the Camaro on a North Long Island road. It had been badly burned, the roof torn off and the axle broken. The car had flipped over and skidded for several hundred metres. It is not known if Sally and Percy were inside the car, but given how the accident would have killed them if they were inside, this theory has been ruled out.

How did that crash happen? It just looks out of nowhere.

The police never worked out how. Residents said they heard nothing unusual, so the idea of a hit-and-run was ruled out. At this point, Gabe told police that his son was a troublemaker and had 'expressed violent tendencies'. Police were unsure whether Percy was involved, especially given that he was only twelve, but they put out an AMBER Alert nevertheless.

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