Chapter 15

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☆ Chapter 15: Too Much ☆

☆ Brooklyn's POV

"We have so much to plan for the baby!" My mother exclaimed while walking around everywhere.

August smiled at her while me on the other hand gave her a uneasy look.

I know how my mom can get when she's excited about something.

"I'm gonna plan out your baby shower , I'm gonna get you some baby clothes , and I'm gonna help you decorate the baby's room! This is gonna be so exciting!" She yelled out jumping up in excitement.

"Mom, calm down. I think I can handle some of that." I said trying to calm her down.

"You two are gonna move down here or should I move down there?" She asked looking at August and I.

There was no way that I could let her move down to Atlanta with us. It's not happening.

"No mom. We're good, you can just stay up here and we'll stay down there y'know. We can handle everything." I tried to convince her.

She shook her head. "Why? I want to help with some things too! How can I do that when I live up here?" She questioned.

"Okay, okay you can move down there with us but only under one condition." I said.

It's not like I don't love my mom but she's very controlling and wanted things her way. That's why I moved to Atlanta because I wanted to escape from her control.

"What honey?" She asked with her hands on her hip.

"I want to be in control of everything." I warned her.

She nodded her head. "Okay! I'll start packing my bags now!" She said excitedly while walking out of the kitchen.

I looked at August as he shook his head and we both busted out laughing.

"Your mom is too much." He said.

I nodded my head. "Trust me I know. Just wait till she finds out about Niya's baby." I replied back.

"All hell is gonna break loose." He said making us both laugh.

Short chapter I know. Sorry.

What do you guys think is gonna happen when Brooklyn's mom find out about Niya's baby?
How do you guys think August mom is gonna react to the baby?
Don't you guys think her mom does too much?
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Xoxo - Msfanfictional 🌸

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