Chapter 5

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✰Chapter 5: Over ✰

✰ Brooklyn's POV

"Brooklyn are you serious? You're leaving me over one hoe ass girl?" August yelled at me as I packed my bags.

I rolled my eyes.

He doesn't get it.

"No I'm not leaving you over her." I said while stuffing clothes into my huge suitcase.

"Well why are you leaving me then?" He questioned as he picked up some of my clothes and put them back into the drawer.

I stopped packing the bag and glared at him.

"August I can't take being with you anymore. All the arguing , you constantly flirting with other girls , and then you're always accusing me of cheating!" I snapped.

"Couples argue all the time , I have to show my fans some love , and you probably are cheating! Where are you gonna stay huh? With one of your other boyfriends?" He yelled getting in my face.

He threw some of my clothes on the ground.

"See this is why we won't work out. I'm so tired of your ass!" I yelled moving away from him.

He grabbed my arm roughly.

"I'm tired of your ass too! You're probably been hoeing around the whole time during this relationship and you've probably been sleeping with Trey." He snapped.

I snatched my arm away from him.

"You know what...fuck you!" I yelled while picking up the clothes he threw and putting them in my bag.

"Fuck you too!" He said before storming out of the room.

I could hear the door slamming from upstairs.

After I got done packing my bag I called my sister.

I had no where to stay so I hope she would let me stay with her.

"Hello?" Niya said into the phone.

"Hey Niya." I answered back.

"Wassup Brooklyn. I haven't heard from you in a while." She confessed.

"I have to tell you something." I said with my voice breaking a little.

"What is it?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"August and I broke up." I finally said it.

"Are you serious? Why? Y'all were so cute." She said.

"Our relationship is too much and a lot has been going on. I was wondering if I could stay with you?" I asked her.

"Of course you can. I have a surprise for you anyways." She said excitedly.

"What kind of surprise?" I questioned her.

"A good one." She answered back.

I chuckled. "Okay chick , I'll see you in a couple of minutes."

"Okay sis , be safe." She said.

"You know I will. Bye."

"Bye." She said back.

I hung up the phone and grabbed my bags.

I guess we're over for good.

Once I grabbed my bags , I headed outside to my car.

I put all my bags in the trunk and got inside the car.

After that I pulled off from the house forever.


I'm feeling really queasy right now.

I grabbed my bags and headed up to Niya's apartment.

Her place was really nice for a apartment and she had three bedrooms.

Once I got off the elevator I went to her apartment which was right down the hall.

I knocked three times before I heard a small scream.

It wasn't like a scary scream it was more like a baby's scream. Does she have a baby in there?

It took a couple of seconds but the door finally opened and I saw Niya holding a little girl in her hands.

My mouth dropped when I saw the little girl. She was really pretty and she looked just like Niya.

"Let me guess...that's your baby." I said in awe.

Yes , she's my daughter." Niya confessed.

How did I not know she had a daughter?

Niya's daughter in MM 💖

Do you think August & Brooklyn are really over?
Why do you think Niya kept her baby hidden?
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Xoxo - Msfanfictional 💖

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