Chapter 16

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☆ chapter 16: mama Sheila ☆

☆ August's POV

"Mama!" I yelled once I opened the door to her house and seen her standing by the door waiting for me.

"August baby!" She yelled too pulling me into a hug.

I kissed her forehead as I squeezed her tight in my arms.

I haven't seen my mama in a while and this is her first time meeting Brooklyn who's awkwardly standing behind me.

I moved out of the way once she released me from the hug.

"Who is this young lady?" She asked smiling at Brooklyn.

"Hi , I'm Brooklyn Newman August's girlfriend." She introduced herself.

Her and my mother shared a hug.

"It's nice to meet you Brooklyn and you can call me Mama Sheila or Mom." My mom greeted her.

Brooklyn nodded her head.

"I'll take the bags upstairs to my old room." I said before picking the bags up and walking away.

I secretly wanted to give them time to talk.

As I walked upstairs I heard the tv on in my room.

I walked in my room to see Mya , Kay , & Chay sitting on my bed and watching the Little Einsteins.

"August!" Chay the first one who seen me yelled.

The girls instantly started screaming and ran over to me to get a hug.

I sat the bags down and pulled them all into a hug.

"I missed my favorite ladies." I said kissing each of their foreheads.

"We missed you too uncle August!" They exclaimed.

I smiled. These little girls mean the world to me.

After Mel died a while ago I was given the responsibility of showing them love , kind of being a father figure in their lives.

This is my first time seeing them in months other then calling them I haven't seen them at all.

"Where have you been mister!" Mya snapped with her hands on her tiny hips.

I chuckled. "I've been busy and I'm sorry I haven't made it out here in a while. Forgive me?" I said poking my bottom lip out.

"Okay we forgive you but you need to come see us more!" Kay said while kissing my cheek.

I nodded my head. "I promise." I replied back sticking out my pinky finger.

I linked it with each of theirs.

"Come on girls , I have someone I want y'all to meet." I said picking Kay up and walking out the bedroom door.

Chay and Mya followed behind me quickly as we made our way to the living room where my mom and Brooklyn were seated.

Brooklyn's eyes got big once she seen the girls.

"Who are these cuties!" She exclaimed waving at the girls who waved back.

"This is Kay , Chay , & Mya." I introduced them to her.

She smiled big. "It's nice to meet you cuties , I'm Brooklyn or Aunt Brooklyn." She said hugging Chay and Mya.

"I want a hug!" Kay screamed making me set her down.

She ran over to Brooklyn and jumped into her arms. "You're pretty!" Kay complimented her.

"Thank you and you're pretty too." Brooklyn replied back making Kay smile.

"Okay girls go back to August's room right quick. I need to talk to them." My mom said making the girls groan.

"Awwww." They said before turning around and walking out of the room.

"So what's going on?" She asked like she knew we were here to tell her something.

I sat next to her on the sofa and Brooklyn sat across from us on a different one.

"We have something to tell you." I said getting straight to the point.

"I knew you had something to tell me. I can see it in your eyes. What is it?" My mom questioned with worry in her eyes.

"I'm pregnant." Brooklyn said making my mom turn to her.

She put her hand over her mouth as she gasped.

"Are you for real?" My mom asked looking at me.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah she's two months pregnant." I said.

"I can't believe this. You're having a baby with someone I barely know." My mom said glaring at me.

"Now we have plenty of time to get to know each other." Brooklyn reasoned with her.

"How long have you two been together anyways?" She questioned us.

"We have been together for a year and five months." I answered her.

She shook her head. "You two barely know each other."

"I do know her mom and I love her. I'm glad she's having my baby and I want you to be okay with it." I explained to my mom.

"I just didn't want you two to be together just for the baby because I've gone through it with your father. I want you two to be together because you love each other. Are you guys sure you want to be together forever?" She questioned looking at both of us.

I looked at Brooklyn to see her speechless.

"We don't know." I said as Brooklyn and I stared at each other.

Are you guys sure you want to be together forever? Her questioned ranged in my head over and over.

August & his mom in mm.

A question to test their love...

Do you guys think they'll be able to be together forever?
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Xoxo - Msfanfictional 💞

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