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Genesis sat in her chair grading papers when someone entered her room. "Yes?" She says.

"Mrs. Cullen." She looked up to see Bella.

"Is there something you need, Bella?" She asked.

Bella stood there thinking. She didn't want to seem like a desperate girl. "How is the baby?" She asked.

Genesis knew she covered up what she really wanted to ask, but she was grateful that Bella didn't. "The baby is fine." She said as she looked at her papers. "Just tired of sitting here grading these papers."

"Is there anything you need? Do you need me to get one of your kids?"

Genesis nodded at the last question. She was feeling like she was about to throw up. Rosalie over heard Bella asking Jessica where one of the Cullens were making her go to her mother's room. "Mom?" She asked as Genesis was throwing up. "Mom, are you okay?"

"No." She said as she raised up. "I think I need to go see your father."

Rosalie sighed. "I'll call 911."

Genesis nodded as she laid her head against the desk. All she wanted was to rest.
At the hospital, Carlisle was by his wife side as soon as she entered the building. He kissed her head as he knew she was tired and needed sometime off work. "I'm going to take her to a private room and after I'm done with my shift, I will take her home."

Everyone nodded. Carlisle heard the news about an accident making him go to the E.R just to see Bella Swan. Genesis is definitely going to stress now.
Genesis heard arguing. She walked downstairs and stood behind Carlisle. "That is enough!" She said as her magic pulled Edward and Rosalie apart. "I am pregnant and I will not sit here watching my kids fight over a damn human who can't keep her nose to herself." She sad as she looked at them all. "Now, want to say another word."

When no one responded, Genesis nodded as she walked out of the room. Carlisle looked at her and sighed as he followed her. The others took this as their cue to hunt as Carlisle was going to calm Genesis down.


"In here." She said as she walked out of the bathroom. "Just getting ready for a hot shower."

Carlisle walked over to her and kissed her. Genesis wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed back. He pulled away and looked at her. "Baby, I know you are upset..."

"I'm not stressing." She said. "The baby is okay."

"Good." He said. "I'm thinking about taking time off work to take care of you and get out of Forks."

"If we leave, Edward and Rosalie may have killed each other by the time we get back here." She said. "I'm not killing up their mess."

Carlisle laughed. "Baby, I think sometime away may help you relax and keep you from overworking your body."

"Okay." Genesis said. "First, I want to get you in that bed before they get back from hunting."

Carlisle picked her up and carried her to the bed. He kissed her as she laughed. This was just the start of their vacation and she was going to enjoy every bit of it. No stress, just Carlisle and what they were going to name the baby.

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