Chapter 12: The last gem obtained...

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A spoiler to this story.

To anyone who doesn't want to see it, please skip it.


I will be making the 2003 Hulk movie canon and the 2008 movie non-canon in this story.

The reason why is because Hulk 2003, to me, is an underrated gem & a thing of beauty in my opinion which is fascinating with how its symbolism & Hulk's origin feels natural to me.


(And now, back to our original programming.)


(Dark Bat's POV.)

As we arrived at the cloning warehouse and as we all got out of the Bat truck, a loud screech was heard.

The sound so glass was heard as a bat-like creature smashes through the skylight window.

Red Hood: "What the hell?"

Batman looks at the creature starts to screech louder and as it does, bats start to attack the group.

Louie: "What's going on?"

Huey: "It's the creature!"

Dewey: "What?!"

Me: "The creature and its screeches can control bats into being its attack force."

I look and saw a blue gem around its collar.

Dr Banner: "And I think I know how it's doing that, look around its neck."

The others look to see what I was looking at the creature and notice the second dance gem attached to the collar around its neck.

Robin: "How are we suppose to get the gem?!"

Louie looks around to see every angle & sees another warehouse and looks back at the Manbat, giving him an idea to stop it.

He turns to Phineas, Ferb and Milo.

Louie: "Can you three buy us a little more time to come up with a plan?"

Phineas: "On it."

Phineas presses a button on the top of the back of the giant mech suit known as The Murphy's law mark II suit transforms and gets to its original height.

As it finishes transforming, Ferb put the radioactive watermelon in the back to power up the suit and the three got in the suit.

With Phineas, Ferb and Milo fighting Manbat, Louie tells his plan to the group.

Louie: "I think I have a plan to get the gem, you said that the warehouses the Joker use to have as a hideout had been made into laboratories. Including one with sound weapons, right?"

Me: "Correct, why do you ask?"

Louie: "If we can find a lab with sound weapons, we can distract it enough for someone to grab the second Dance gem."

Dark Bat: "That might work. Mrs Beakley, there's a weapons warehouse nearby the clone warehouse with sound weapons that scare off non-anthropomorphic animals with a bat setting in the second cupboard near the entrance, do you think you can handle them?"

Mrs Beakley nods her head and runs to the weapons warehouse as Batman looks at Dark bat, confused about how he knows all of the layouts of the warehouses and which one is the exact warehouse he's talking about.

Red Hood: "It's a good plan but one problem. Who's gonna grab the gem?"

Louie then looks at Dr Banner as he looks back.

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