Battle match finale

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Just like before, this little battle match is a crossover & a homage to the Battle match book by Freelancer1337.

For anyone who hasn't seen his book Battle match, I highly recommend you go read it, then read the first battle match along with the second battle match and the fighters sheet to catch up and then read this.

Extra note: Also, the notes of why the winners of the Battle Match win will be in another chapter and this will be a long chapter, probably over 5000 or even 7000 words in this chapter, tops.


(RathsBone96's POV.)

I was typing up concepts on my phone, lying down on my bed, for a story that involves an Illuminati and a multiverse illuminati, a version of Compound V-24 that lasts until a week but can only be used once & a version of Batman being controlled by a childish wannabe king.

I stopped typing as I stared at my right hand which was scratched by my aunt's cat.

I kept staring at it for a few minutes until I looked around to see a portal as Wiz goes through.

I groaned in anger because I knew that if Wiz was here, then it is a problem that's related to Discord & would like my help.

Me: "Oh, for fuck sake! Just a minute, allow me to get ready and then I'll go through."

Wiz was about to say something until I shushed him as I locked my door, put on my Jacket & Shoes and grabbed my phone, putting it in one of my jacket's inside pockets.

I then went up to Wiz and dragged him by his ear, hearing him saying 'Ow' over and over.


(Freelancer1337's POV.)

I was finishing my Battle Match of the Wonderful 101 Vs the Power Rangers and published it.

After I published it, I turned around to see Boomstick coming out of a portal.

Boomstick then grabs me as I was about to greet him.

Boomstick: "No time for hellos, we need your help!"

Boomstick then runs through the portal, with me in his arms.


(No one's POV.)

RathsBone comes out of the right portal with Wiz still being dragged by the ear as Boomstick goes through the portal with Freelancer in his arms.

RathsBone darts a fed up glaring look at Boomstick and calmly but sternly spoke.

RathsBone96: "Gently. Put. Freelancer. Down."

Boomstick does that so he wouldn't anger RathsBone even more as he lets go of Wiz's ear and takes a deep breath.

RathsBone96: "Wizard. I am sorry for dragging you by your ear but in my defence, if you & Boomstick had grabbed both me and Freelancer, I believe it has to do with Discord and his Plot Induced Stupidity. Am I correct?"

Wiz nods his head.

RathsBone in his grumbling induced anger sits on a chair but as he sits down, he sees the chair is covered in orange slime.

RathsBone puts his right hand to his head, still angry about the situation he was in but as he was about to get up, he starts laughing, like he was being tickled.

RathsBone96: "Ok, whoever's tickling me, please stop!!"

Wiz and Boomstick look at each other in confusion as Freelancer recognises the chair as he helps up RathsBone.

Spite never makes right.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ