Chapter 14: The one behind the chaos.

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Author's note: I want to apologize for taking so long with this chapter.


(No one's POV, back at the avenger's facility.)

You teleport back to the Avengers facility, worried about what will happen.

Thanos: "(Y/N), are you alright?"

You: "I went forward in time and well..."

You took a deep breath, still trying to calm down.

You: "It's not good."

Garth: "Why's that?"

You: "(N/Y)'s here... and he has all six of the infinity stones he was looking for."

The infinity stones and abundant gems start glowing as everyone looks in worry.

You: 'This is familiar. Why is that so familiar?'

Everyone starts looking around as reality starts to ripple as semi-invisible shields appear around you & Isabella saw blue auras appear around Hannah & Castiel.

After the ripples stop & the flashes of light fade away, Isabella notices Phineas yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Isabella: "Phineas?"

Phineas: "Does anyone else feel... tired?"

Before Phineas could finish his sentence, he falls asleep in Isabella's arms.

Isabella: "Phineas!"

You, Hannah & Castiel look around and see that it's not only Phineas who's starting to dose off.

Dean yawns as he along with Sam, the Doctor, Rufus and Garth slowly fall into a deep slumber.

Castiel: "Dean! Sam! Doctor!"

Hannah: "Rufus, Garth!"

Thanos along with the Hulk, Ruby, Yang and everyone else in the room was either yawning, rubbing their eyes or starting to move side to side as if they were about to collapse but you moved all of them gently with the space stone.

You then use the reality stone to create beds for everyone, who is asleep, gently moved them on the beds and tucked them in as the Hulk slowly changes back into Bruce Banner.

You then used the time and space stones to pause time and teleport everywhere to put everyone asleep back in their beds at their homes and teleport back to the facility, resuming time.

Isabella shakes Phineas to wake him up but nothing happens.

??????: "Hello? I've been knocking on the door for a few minutes and I want to-"

Ultron comes in, having no clue what was happening as he sees almost everyone in beds you conjured up and tucked in, fast asleep.

Ultron: "(Y/N), what is going on?"

You took a deep breath and placed your right hand on Ultron's head, using the mind stone to upload and show what happened when you came back with the team with the second dance gem & the big situation with (N/Y) to Ultron.

Ultron: "Let me get this straight. An alternate universe version of yourself came to this world, armed with 6 infinity stones of his own, including a stone that was in this universe this whole time..."

You: "Yes."

Ultron: "The ripples around the earth were due to all 6 of those infinity stones being together..."

You: "Yep."

Ultron: "And now, everyone except me, Isabella, you, Hannah & Castiel on earth are in a deep sleep?"

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