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ill made a dream one again! do hope you enjoy loves:) but like imagine they read this I would be happy but like sad bc I have smut on here:') bye. waring's- insecurity-smut-choking.

songs for today: body by Jordan Suaste or welcome to the internet for laughs.

3pov/y/ns pov.

you were getting ready to go to party for your friend's birthday. after messing around with your makeup making sure it was just right. you looked in the mirror unhappy with the way your body looked. you made sure you had a smile on your face before leaving your bathroom because if dream knew you were hating the way you looked, he would do something spicy to make you feel like you were worth it. you made your way over to the car door and got in and smiled at dream, he smiled back and started driving. you got there and got out the car and made your way to the door. you went inside and went to your friend and dragged her to dance with you. y'all started dancing, you felt two hands wrap around your waist, you looked up and saw some random dude so 

any smart person would do you pushed him off of you and slapped him. your friend cheered for you, and you smiled and started dancing again but the same dude can back and slapped you calling you all sort of name before clay came in and punched the guy. you smiled while your friend hugged you making sure you were okay. you nodded that you were okay and told your friend that you going to go home she nodded understanding why. you gave here one last hug and left. you got in the car could tell clay was angry. "Hey, honey you okay" you asked making sure he wasn't mad at you. he didn't answer and just kept driving so you were pretty sure he wasn't mad at you. you were almost home, so you took a maker and started writing little smiley faces, he smiled a little, so you were happy.  you guys got home, and you put your stuff down and after you were done putting your things down, he pinned you against a wall. you gasped. 

"You know watching you stand up for yourself was really hot" he told you in your ear with the deep voice he knew you go crazy over. but you thought two can play that game, so you pushed him off softly and went to your room. and put one of his hoodies you turned into a crop top you made because it drives him crazy. you walked back out and see clay leaning against the wall looking you up and down. your insecurity going crazy so in habit you put your arms over your body, as you just smiled but clay wasn't smiling, he had this angry and sad face on and walked to you. "you're so pretty you know that right" clay asked sadness hinted in his voice. "Yep, I know" you said clearly lying and he knew. clay then smashed his lips on yours. he pushed you against the 

wall and pulled away from the kissed and started letting his hands roam your body. you slightly moaned when he touched your upper thigh. clay smirked and put his free hand on your throat while the other one went in your pants. you moaned as his thumb rubbed around your clit. he then kissed you again but rougher you moaned as he kept rubbing your clit. (After that I swear it's so hard to write smut) he told you how pretty you were the whole night until you fell asleep in his arms. you woke up on the couch. you smelled bacon so you got up and made your way to the kitchen to see clay making breakfast, you smiled and hugged him behind as he smiled softly. he made him and you a plate, but you looked at yourself and said you're not hungry 

but he held your fork to your face and said eat. you didn't want him to be sad, so you did while you were eating you swore, he was looking at you the whole time. you finished and got up and washed you dish you then made your way back to the couch and hated yourself for eating. clay saw how sad you looked and started to tickle you, you laughed as he smiled and stopped tickling you. y'all were watching a movie but the movie was about this fat girl and how everyone bullied here until she became skinny and before you knew it you were crying (don't worry it's not real movie I hope and if you hate the way you just know you better than all those mean skinny girls. please do love who you are not all skinny girls are mean) you could feel clay wipe your tears away as he held you close 

and turned the movie off. he kissed the top of your head and kept telling you to not listen to that dumb movie. you smiled at him as he pulled you on his lap. clay kissed you neck over and over leaving hickeys were there was space for more. you giggled and kissed him. you both smiling in the kiss, making both of y'all laugh. you got up from his lap and went to change, you put on one of his hoodies and some pants. you walked out letting him know he could go change now. he nodded and went to change. y'all then spent the day shopping he got somethings while you bought every stuff animal you saw. clay thought it was cute how you had seven bags full of stuff animals. you and clay then got ice cream and watched the sunset. but sadly, y'all had to go home. on your way home you were driving btw clay took a marker and wrote 'i love you' on your 

arm. you smiled and kept driving. you made it home and got out the car. you and clay got inside and plopped down on the couch and fell asleep so fast. 

the end.

hoped you enjoyed this very long dream chapter and thank you for 100 reads it means a lot!!! but goodbye for now loves:) 1057 WORDS.

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