James Marriott😢

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Heyy yes, it's my first time writing for him and its sad (Adding James Marriot bc I like him and he's like my favorite streamer) WARNINGS- cursing- cheating- mention of a car accident- drinking. (Kinda starts like a HC, may not match with the actual person Irl because James is just too nice and I needed something to work with, sorry in advance)

song of day/night: Haven't i given enough by: Gilded lily



James Marriott

- James doesn't talk to you when he's upset which can lead to yall not talking for days and fights.

- He has said multiple times that another girl was more attractive than you.

- James hates to talk about this incident but he cheated on you once when he was drunk, but since he was drunk, he admitted it to you on the ride home. Which almost led into a car accident because you slammed on the brakes. James can remember the exact fight yall had, it went a little something like this.  "WHAT THE HELL Y/N?!" James yelled turning to you coming out of his drunken state. y/n didn't answer and just started driving again, "y/n y/l/n fucking answer me" James says putting his hand on your thigh, you moved his hand away not staring at him and continued focusing on the road. Yall made it back home safely without a word or a look exchanged, y/n got out of the car and made their way to the front door. "Y/n why won't you talk to me?!" James yelled getting frustrated.

 "I just have nothing to say" y/n said stopping in front of the door. James didn't say anything and just stayed still. Y/n opened the door and walked in, leaving it open for him. James finally snapped out of his thoughts and walked in the door, closing the door behind him. "Y/n can we please just talk" James begged walking around the house searching for you, finally finding you in the kitchen. He walked to where you were pouring a class of wine. "Y/n you don't like drinking, why are you pouring wine?" James asked with a slight hint of concern in his voice. Y/n didn't say anything and just finished pouring their glass. "Y/n love, just tell me what I did wrong" James says as y/n puts their glass to their lips.

Y/n sips the wine and puts the glass back down. "Do I really have to tell you what you did wrong" they ask making a face of disgust. "Yes y/n please tell me what I did wrong" James pleads grabbing their waist pulling them closer. James's face was surprised when y/n didn't move right away, "James please don't make this any harder than it already is" they said looking away from him. James felt his heart start to pound in his chest. "Okay. Now tell me what I did." James asked starting to get annoyed, "you cheated on me!" y/n screamed removing James hands off their waist. "W-what do you mean" James said taken aback from your screaming. "W-what do you mean??" James asked confused. Y/n takes a deep breath before continuing. "On the way home, you admitted to me that you cheated on me, while you were in the bar." Y/n said feeling their eyes start to burn

 James felt ashamed but he was drunk, was it really his fault? No of course it was his fault. what was he thinking? Y/n could sense that James was in his own little world. "Y/n I'm ashamed of myself, I am so sorry that I fucked up, but I hope you can forgive me." James says.


Yes, I ended it like that mostly because I ran out of ideas😃👍 but I hope you enjoyed

word count: 620

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