dsmp fluff hc😊

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Wilbur and other head-canons!!! enjoy loves! :) fluff HC I'll do sad/smut maybe?? this HC chapter only has mcyts I have wrote about so far! (Still going to do George) NOT IN ORDER!! (I'm going to do jack just because he was in the philza one, so I thought to add him)

song of day/night: any song idk you pick but i say put a bunch of Wilbur/Lovejoy songs on an enjoy👹👺:



Wilbur head-canons!

Wilbur loves when you hug him from behind especially if your shorter than him, it makes him smile.

- if you have Chapstick and you kiss him on cheek/lips ect. he would buy that Chapstick for himself because it would remind him of you.

- Wilbur would melt when he finds out you love his music maybe even sing to you when you ask him. Other than that, he just loves hearing you sing his songs.

- Wilbur loves when you wear his hoodies/shirt ect because how big they are on you, he finds it so cute when you walk in his office in his clothes and sit in his lap and just cuddle him.


dream head-canons!

- dream is a busy man so don't expect a lot of cuddles or kisses, but when he isn't busy, he's all over you. Hugging, kissing you anything really.

- Hes really easily jealous especially if you've been fake flirting with nick or jschlatt, he'll put you in your place ;) 

- if you're feeling sad, he'll do anything to make you feel better. You want to cuddle? Boom Ya'll cuddling now and he's not letting you go, you want food? boom foods right there. He'll do ANYTHING.

- Dream loves you with all his heart but sometimes he can get angry and snap at you, but he'll apologize over and over. He loves you just know he does get stressed out.


c! jschlatt head-canons!

- Yes, I know he drinks a lot but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you.

- I think when he gets drunk, he's super clingy and loving so take care of him!

- he would buy you gifts even if you tell him not to, he just wants you to know he loves you.

- Jschlatt likes to cuddle but he's too embarrassed to say anything, so you have to make the first move. But after a while he will just come over and lay on top of you.


Eret head-canons

- Eret they are a king/queen so they're going to be really busy but don't think just because they're busy doesn't mean they won't find a way to love on you.

- they love spoiling you even if you say no, they're still getting you it they don't care. If you say that you like a dress/shirt/pants ect. Their getting it for you.

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