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hereeeee lovesss :)

song: abcdefu.


you were waiting for sapnap to come home he had been gone for hours, you were worried but you and sapnap have been fighting on and off. you had finally thought to go look for him, so you left the house on search for your boyfriend. after two hours of searching, you finally found him with a girl? you were about to walk up to him until the girl kissed him, you stood there shocked. you could feel you're tears falling, sapnap noticed you and pushed the girl off and ran to you, (y/ns pov)   I couldn't believe it sapnap cheated then had the balls to push the girl off and ran to me. sapnap tried to hug me but i backed away from him "wtf sapnap what is wrong with you" I 

said as I tried to not bitch slap him. "y/n listen to me you aren't even close enough to be with me and if I'm being honest, you worthless" sapnap said. I clenched my fist trying not to fucking beat the shit out of him, "fuck you" sapnap I said walking off, until sapnap grabbed me by my wrist and jerked me back to him, "let me go sapnap or else" I said about to fucking lose it. "Or else what y/n?" sapnap said in a fake scared tone. "Or else this" I said as I bitch slapped him. "Fuck off now sapnap" I say as walking off, (two days later) I wrote a song about me and sapnaps "break up" I named it 'abcdefu'.  two days later I got a message from sapnap but I just blocked him from everything and never saw him or talked to him.

the end!

hope you enjoyed this byeee!!!

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