The Dark Mark

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We were very quickly caught up in the crowds flooding back to the campsites. Raucous singing was borne towards us on the night air as we retraced our steps back towards the Malfoy's tent. Leprechauns kept shooting over our heads cackling and waving their lanterns. When we finally reached the tent, Cissa convinced Lucius that Draco and I could stay up for a while. Cissa also put up a separate bed for me in Draco's room, as there wasn't a guest room in their tent, and she didn't want me sleeping on the couch.

Draco and I stayed up for a while, drinking hot chocolate and talking. We talked about what happened during our summers apart, our favourite parts of the match and what we were looking forward to during the upcoming school year. After about an hour and a half, Tobby came into the room and reminded us to get some sleep. The two of us then changed into our pyjamas and, and eventually dozed off to sleep.

I was woken awake quite suddenly by Cissa shaking me awake.

"Put some clothes on," Cissa told me, going over to Draco to make him up. "While he is getting up, you need to get to the forest Lilly, Draco is going to follow, but you need to leave now."

Sensing the urgency in her voice, I got dressed with a wave of my hand, grabbed my bag and made sure that I had my jacket on. I then left the room and made my way to the outside of the tent. When I got there, all I could hear was people screaming and the sound of running. There was loud jeering, roars of laughter and drunken yells drifting towards me; I saw a burst of strong green light which illuminated the scene.

A crowd of wizards, tightly packed and moving together with their wands pointing straight upwards was marching slowly across the field. I squinted and saw that all of them were wearing masks with their hoods up; they were probably Death Eaters. I felt a presence beside me and saw Lucius standing there, looking at the scene with horror etched onto his face.

It looked like the Death Eaters were torturing four people, although without the use of the Cruciatus Curse. From their silhouettes, I could tell that the people were struggling. Two of the figures were very small.

"Get to the forest Lilly. We will come find you when this is over," Lucius told me. "I need to go help the Ministry."

More wizards were joining the marching group, laughing and pointing up at the floating bodies. Tents crumpled and fell as the marching crowd swelled. Once or twice, the group would blast a tent out of their way, and several other tents were set on fire. I started to make my way towards the forest until I saw another mob starting to form, this time around a group of small children that had been hiding behind one of the larger tents. Their parents were nowhere in sight. I quickly ran over to try to get the kids out of the way and towards the forest, but I felt the gaze of the mob land on me.

"Tobby," I said, hoping that the elf would respond to my call.

"Yes Miss Lilly," Tobby said as he appeared in front of me.

"Get these kids out of here and then go tell Cissa where I am and where the kids are," I told him, wondering if I would be allowed to use magic to get myself out of the situation that was about to happen.

Tobby took the kids one by one, hopefully into the forest where they would be safe. I looked over at the forming mob and realized how close they were to me. This group of wizards (at least I think they were all wizards; it was rather hard to tell) seemed much more aggressive than the other one and immediately levitated me up into the air once they were within about five feet of me. At this point, I could feel my hair turning shock white, and I was beyond terrified. The mob levitated me for a very small amount of time and then decided that they wanted to torture me. One of the wizards that wasn't levitating me shot a red curse at me.

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