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As I was sleeping, right before my dream would normally start, I was sucked into a vision. Nymph had realized that I was given visions as dreams after I had had a really long day when I had told her her name before I had met her. They were generally pretty horrible, and sometimes they didn't have a definitive ending, something that made them even more confusing than they usually were.

This particular vision was taking place in the Great Hall. I was holding a small child in my arms, and everywhere around me were dead bodies. Each one of them seemed to shift between completely dead, and sitting upright and having a conversation with someone I couldn't see. I watched as Harry dragged Sev's body into the hall, rather unceremoniously. My future self walked over towards him, still holding onto the small child. As my future self did so, Harry started to yell at me. Sev's body also seemed to be flashing between alive and dead, but Harry yelling at me stayed without fluctuating between two possibilities.

As I was pulled out of my vision, I was pulled into my usual nightmare, which woke me up pretty abruptly. I was still on the couch, although I could see Fred sleeping on the floor beside the couch. George was asleep beside me, and I hadn't woken either of them up. I was confused about what the vision had meant and wanted to write to Nymph, but decided to wait until morning considering I didn't want to wake either of the Weasley twins up. I managed to fall back asleep within the hour and didn't have any more nightmares until I woke up.

Once everyone had woken up, Sev started making some food for the two of us.

"How's your leg?" George asked me, helping me sit up.

"It still hurts," I told him, trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. "But no more than yesterday."

"What do you have first?" Fred asked me as he moved to a couch across from me.

"Divination, I think," I replied, accepting a sandwich from my dad. "But I have no idea how to get up there."

"We can walk you," the twins said in unison.

My dad nodded his head.

"If you want to talk," Sev said, sounding concerned. "I am here."

I nodded my head and moved to stand up after placing the food inside my bag.

The three of us walked upwards, towards what I assumed was where the Divination class was being held. Fred and George alternated carrying me up the long stretches of stairs, which I was both incredibly grateful for and slightly embarrassed by.

We reached what I assumed to be a dead end, but the twins were both looking up at the ceiling. Eventually, a silver ladder unfolded from the trapdoor. Fred and George started doing a rock-paper-scissors battle, which made me laugh. Fred ended up winning, and he turned towards me.

"Would you like some help with the ladder?" he asked me.

I nodded my head, chuckling slightly. Fred then picked me up and carried me up the ladder into the classroom. He looked around for a second before sitting me down next the Neville.

"Can you help her get down the ladder?" Fred asked Neville quietly.

"I will do my best," Neville said. "Don't worry."

All of the seats were different. Mine was covered in lilies, I noticed that Harry's was covered in antlers. The only three unoccupied seats were covered in pawprints, a singular moon, and a bunch of rats respectively.

"Welcome," a creepy voice said. "How nice to see you in the physical world at last. Sit my children, sit."

Lillian Evans: Harry Potter's Sister(Sort Of)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin