Christmas Time

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Over the next few days, I had several Gryffindors ask me if I was okay since the day where I had left Defense Against the Dark Arts early. The only person who I had yet to talk to was my Dad and I was avoiding him except in Potions. Remus slipped me food every day to make sure that I was eating. The next Hogsmeade weekend came and went. I was officially done with winter as I was constantly cold. Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology and Astronomy were now no longer fun, as I was constantly freezing. Remus was teaching again for the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which everyone was happy about.

I decided to spend Christmas Break with Hermione, Harry and Ron in the Gryffindor Common Room. The first day of the holidays turned gloomy when I found out that the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creature wanted Hagrid to present Buckbeak for what I assumed to be execution. I wrote a letter to Lucius to ask him to reconsider as it was Draco's fault that he was attacked and that I was willing to appear as a witness to the event. I spent the rest of my time until Christmas doing my homework, talking with Hermione and writing letters back and forth with Draco. Hermione teased me about it almost constantly as every time I would get a letter from him, my hair would turn blush pink.

On Christmas morning I decided to go visit Remus. I wrote a note for Hermione so that she would know where I was when she woke up. I didn't realize how early in the morning it was until Remus answered the door with no shirt on. I blushed (with both my face and my hair) and immediately averted my eyes.

"Come sleep more Lils, it's too early," Moony told me.

I walked inside and went to lay down on the couch when Remus took my hand and pulled me towards his bedroom.

"This way there are no nightmares to keep you up," he mumbled, laying down and patting the bed next to him.

Against my mind saying no, my wolf took over and layed down next to Remus. My body instantly relaxed in a way it hasn't for years and I found myself falling into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, Remus had his arms wrapped around me and I was using his bare chest as a pillow. I must have moved because Remus woke up.

"Good morning Lils," he said.

Then he noticed the position we were in. He very quickly moved his arms from around me and I sat up.

"What's wrong?" Moony asked me, looking at my hair, which was again blush pink.

"You are putting a shirt on. This is very awkward, not to mention weird," I informed him, leaving the room and walking over to the couch.

I heard him grumble, but he put a shirt on.

"Do you want to go see your Dad and eat breakfast there? I need to get my potion anyway," Remus asked me.

I nodded and we walked down to Sev's living quarters. Remus knocked on the door but there was no response. I very slowly opened the door. To my surprise, no Caterwauling Charm went off. The two of us walked inside and saw Dad lying on the floor in a pool of what looked to be his own blood and some potion. I saw an overturned cauldron, so I assumed that it was Wolfsbane. Remus caught me as my legs gave out.

"Lils, it's okay. He will be fine. We have to tell Professor Dumbledore what happened," he told me, picking me up and carrying me out of the room.

When we got to the Gargoyle, Moony went to say the password, but it just lept to the side. The rotating stairs moved faster than they did the last time I was here. I heard Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all talking at once. Remus pushed the door open and walked inside.

"What happened Remus?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Someone attacked Professor Snape and we walked in to see him lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood," Remus explained. "I think Lilly is in shock."

"You two should go sit down somewhere comfortable then. You can all go join. I will make sure that Severus is alright," Professor Dumbledore said calmly, motioning towards his back room. "And Remus, give her some chocolate."

Remus put me down on the loveseat and sat down beside me. He pulled out some chocolate and gave some to me, which I gladly accepted.

"Why would she care about Snape?" Ginny asked.

"Not right now Miss Weasley. That is for her to answer if and when she wants to. Right now Lilly is in no condition to answer that question," Professor McGonagall said.

"Why is her hair dark blue, magenta and grey?" Harry asked, sounding concerned.

"The grey means she is really, really sad, the magenta means that she is petrified and the dark blue means that she is traumatized," Remus explained.

"How do you know that?" Professor McGonagall asked him.

"Her hair seems to react the same way that Tonks' does," Remus informed her. "Why are you all in the Headmaster's office?"

"They were worried about Lilly," Professor McGonagall answered. "She was talking to you, correct?"

"Yeah, we had a good talk," Moony replied.

"Lilly's note said that she would be gone for a half-hour. She wrote this note three hours ago at six in the morning," Hermione said. "What did you talk about for three hours?"

"That, I'm afraid Ms. Granger, is not for you to know unless Lilly wants to tell you. Lilly is not in any state to make decisions, let alone function," Remus said defensively. "Minerva, could you get some food for the two of us? We were going to eat with Severus."

"Of course," she replied. "Two peanut-free meals, coming up."

Lillian Evans: Harry Potter's Sister(Sort Of)Where stories live. Discover now